Advise me please..Ungrateful little slutts


Well-Known Member
Did you guys not read his post about this. He planted all these because he has been waiting 2 years for this and busted his wallet for it. Thats why he planted and is ready for all this. I am ready to see what happens.
Maybe so but he still wasted alot of seeds and money, there's no way he'll be able to grow them all to full maturity, too bad!


Well-Known Member
Why does it feel very cold if it has been sitting at room temp?
Because the room temp is about 23, your fingers are 36 celcius . Same as a heat mat, your temp is 36 and the mat is 28 so it seems cool to touch.

They are put under a 600W MH
They don't like light that intense until they are healthy and pumping. Get cfls or a much smaller hid light.

I have resorted to child -like whining and even called my wife a pig-woman
No use moping around the house ,bitching and acting like a big bonehead because your struggling as a grower .


replace your hps wit a florescent t-5 or somethin of the sort .. seedlings dont require a ton of light and also the hps runs very hot not to mention its gonna hurt your power bill will you an do somethin for half the cost with the same results.. trust me go to florescent until you flower then break out your hps.. dot give any nutes until a few weeks old and make sure soil is packed not to tight or else they wont grow at all and slowly rot you have really nice equipment but i think you might be jumping the gun a bit.. just my 2 cents.. my plants at 3 feet tall and i use cfl bulbs that cost cents per day compared to the excessive amout of draw an HID light takes.. im an electrician and i would never do that to myself with seedlings that early on


Well-Known Member
600 way to close, dont replace it with t5s....yet, dont do 12/12 from seed but i hope your planning takes into account container sizes and plant sizes. 600 covers 4x4, not 3x3, that big ole fan and ducting should suck through as many of those lights as you need, id say four?? I hear this works pretty well for saving space, its not my pic but might help you since square containers save space. good luck, yur a funny vanish :):):)


Maybe so but he still wasted alot of seeds and money, there's no way he'll be able to grow them all to full maturity, too bad!
guys please... i said i needed help with a grow.. not that i was retarded.
wasted? I grow around 30 plants every time. 7-8 under each lamp. What the f i the big deal. So they are a bit crowded. Please take your hippy-nerd rage out on someone else- I already have to deal with pig woman's shit I dont need yours.


replace your hps wit a florescent t-5 or somethin of the sort .. seedlings dont require a ton of light and also the hps runs very hot not to mention its gonna hurt your power bill will you an do somethin for half the cost with the same results.. trust me go to florescent until you flower then break out your hps.. dot give any nutes until a few weeks old and make sure soil is packed not to tight or else they wont grow at all and slowly rot you have really nice equipment but i think you might be jumping the gun a bit.. just my 2 cents.. my plants at 3 feet tall and i use cfl bulbs that cost cents per day compared to the excessive amout of draw an HID light takes.. im an electrician and i would never do that to myself with seedlings that early on
Thanks for all the advice. Amazing forum. What do you mean 'make sure soil is not packed too tight.' How on God's earth do i determine this and what could possibly be done about it? I scoop the soil into the cup . Done. I make no qualms with it's density.

Ninja- I am going to run 4 600 hps but never considered i could vent all four with the one fan. This would be fantastic but I was under the impression i might need two. Anyone have experience with this.
Thx-flame away


Well-Known Member
Dont lie to us, you are retarded and pig woman will back it up! JK lol I knew when i saw the hood set up and mylar everywhere that you knew what you were doing. How many lights do you run later? :):):)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the advice. Amazing forum. What do you mean 'make sure soil is not packed too tight.' How on God's earth do i determine this and what could possibly be done about it? I scoop the soil into the cup . Done. I make no qualms with it's density.

Ninja- I am going to run 4 600 hps but never considered i could vent all four with the one fan. This would be fantastic but I was under the impression i might need two. Anyone have experience with this.
Thx-flame away
Hells no! Just play connect the lights with ducting and a carbon filter on the end :) how big is the inline?


Well-Known Member
Did you guys not read his post about this. He planted all these because he has been waiting 2 years for this and busted his wallet for it. Thats why he planted and is ready for all this. I am ready to see what happens.
He loses his ass and all the plants. Save a couple.


Well-Known Member
Room temperature is @70 degrees.
Body temperature is @98 degrees.

70 degree water will feel cool/cold on 98 degree skin....

Jump into a swimming pool with 70 degree water and you come up gasping for air.

As people have pointed out, in the future you might want to be more selective in how many seeds you germ.

Becareful with your reflective surface, hot spots aren't good. I prefer flat white paint. Works very well with @86% reflectability.

Raise your lights about 18" higher. You are flooding them and they arent stretching, staying low and tight.


Because the room temp is about 23, your fingers are 36 celcius . Same as a heat mat, your temp is 36 and the mat is 28 so it seems cool to touch.

They don't like light that intense until they are healthy and pumping. Get cfls or a much smaller hid light.

No use moping around the house ,bitching and acting like a big bonehead because your struggling as a grower .
I am aware that my body temperature is not 67 degrees F but it is just alarming that it feels cold enough to cinch up my taint.
I refuse to replace the light, even though it has been recommended.
Did you read the other replies? I am not struggling as a grower- I'm doing just fine apparently.
And by the looks of those tats you have a pig-woman of your own so don't go gettin all high-horsey on me. JK I'm covered in ink too.


Well-Known Member
Wait.. why am i taking cuttings?
Lmao, because you were planning on vegging for two months, cutting, and then switching to bloom right, thats what you said right?? Lmao, theres alot of funny ass shit on this thread, sorry. It gets bad when theres more than a handfull of plants involved :):):)