

Active Member
I'd just cut the ones covering flowers. She'll probably stretch more which will help. They look great.
Cut or pinch off the top fan leaves that block the light from the other growing tips. I call it selective topping, but you're not "topping" it at all. this will encourage tighter nodes on the newly exposed grow tips as they're getting more light now. Don't strip the plant beyond those top light blocking big fan leaves though. you need most of those to make energy for the plant. Hope that helps
Okay thanks for replies going to remove some here and there to shed some more light also any thats yellow/looking dead near the bottom can go also i assume


Active Member
Okay thanks for replies going to remove some here and there to shed some more light also any thats yellow/looking dead near the bottom can go also i assume
Yeah those little yellow ones I see can be cut too. I can't tell from the photos but any big fan leaves at the bottom that are blocking airflow around the base of the plant or are hanging in your soil can be removed.


Well-Known Member
You are outside, I wouldn't mess with them.

Maybe consider spreading the branches.

I like my pots to be somewhat shaded by the leaves anymore.

And the less open wounds the better

But, that is just one way
Okay yeah idk i been force flowering them so inside dark room with 2 fans for 12 hours then 12 hours outside not sure if many people do it this way but giving it a try.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks. just gonna let her be. the yellowing is normal then ?
Such a debatable topic.
Im not sure what you are feeding but I can tell you my situation outside this year.

Long story short, going into flower i had a slight nitrogen def.
As the plants started stretching they
Started using some of the lower leaf.
Not bad but it looks worrisome if you stare at it. Lol

Anyway I resisted the urge to correct it.
My belief is too much nitrogen inhibits flowering or can cause other problems.

Im organic dry amendments so they would have taken too long to fix the issue anyway.

I chose not to resort to a quick fix.

I had plenty of lower foliage the plant used as a supplemental food source.

Im babbeling but you hopefully get the point.

I didn't want to throw nitrogen on my shit in flower unless absolutely necessary.
Yeah for sure I forced flowered them early because I got a dark room...and there 35 days since i been 12/12ing them little experiment first grow i guess lol gonna check back in few weeks see how close you guys think they are to done or buy a scope,, still a scrub so ill check in to be sure smelling real nice so far.. i been using rootfarm shit every 2nd watering its 1-4-7 .. like i said still a scrub at it haha but going better than expected


Well-Known Member
I'm on the leave them alone side. I think the leaves serve a way bigger purpose than some people believe.