

Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

i been growing some bagseed for a while now as you may kno from lookin a my other threads im on my 30th day of flowering recently i screwed up the dates and was a week behind and was worried about my flower size any way a bout a week ago trichs just popped up all over the leaves by the nugs and now the flowers are starting to develop a lot of kalexs and cant believe how awesome they look!:mrgreen: its so great being able to grow my own buds the feeling is indescribable

i was looking for some advice on somethings first of all i have a good idea how to dry and cure my buds but i want to make sure that i dont fuck up im about a month or so from harvest but want to learn as much about harvesting/curing as i can ive been practicing with some leaves putting them in a shoe box for a couple weeks and they look fine to me but a lot of people are saying to hang them in the same place i grew the plant in which should i do?

and you have to burp the jars every day when curing right?

also there are some burn spots from my cfl that happened a while ago when she was still in veg




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Well-Known Member
My object when harvesting is to dry the buds as slowly as possible w/o allowing them to mold.
I use a cool, dark area to hang them and always have an oscillating fan going. Yes, once they are dry to the touch, into the jars they go, which I open off and on (ALWAYS keeping my nose tuned in for mold) until the time comes when the stems "snap" instead of bending. Then I consider mine "cured" and only occasionally open the jars an take a whiff/ensure no mold is present. Molds always smelled before it's seen.
Have a ball!


Well-Known Member
Don't hang in the same room you're growing, unless you're done growing cuz you don't want them exposed to light during the drying stage. As far as drying/curing, the best way I've found was dry 24 hrs, cure 8 hrs, then 24/6, 12/4, and then you just cure or dry to what you like for smoke from there. But you should always dry in a cool dry place.


Well-Known Member
A week before you harvest..flush with straight water.(to remove nutes) then cut and hang upside down.(some do, some don't, I do) the have to burp jars daily and try to change the air as you said, and shake up contents.(fill jars about 75%, leave some space to rotate)..for your next grow with cfls, I'd do some side lighting to fill in the middle parts of the plant..Have you checked the color of the crystals....cloudy - amber is the FAQ..I know everyone says that...but every time I go back I get something new....Good luck
happy puffing..


Active Member
Your plant is looking very nice, I think you did a good job. When you decide to harvest look at the color of the trichomes, if about half of them are getting darker it's time to harvest. I'm not sure what you are growing but I will asume it is a Sativa/Indica cross. The Sativa gives you the up high & the Indica gives you the laid back on the couch high. If you harvest when the trichomes are just starting to turn you will get more of the Sativa high, if you wait til most of them have turned darker you will get more of the Indica high. When you cure your buds trim the biggest leaves away from the bud, leave any that are frosty looking, hang your buds spaced apart so they get plenty of air, I use a string in a closet but any dry place will do. Give them about a week then test one by smoking it. Depending on how much moister there is in your buds they should dry within two weeks. You can check them also by seeing if the stem snaps in half. Keep in mind, this is the most important time in your grow, don't rush your buds to cure, doing this right is very important & will produce the best smoke. You have less chance of mold hanging them than trying to cure them in a jar.


Well-Known Member
thx for all the replys:mrgreen: i checked a leaf out with my microscope and the trichs look like clear little balls they dont even seem to have a stem like some of the pics ive seen is that normal?

also i had heard somthing about curing in the fridge what would that do? and does adding sugar to the water really make the buds swell because if so then now would be the perfect time to start adding it



Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

On a side note I'd suggest looking at your camera for the macro mode. It often has a flower or a flower/mountain on/by the button. That way you can get nice close ups without them being blurry.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man!

On a side note I'd suggest looking at your camera for the macro mode. It often has a flower or a flower/mountain on/by the button. That way you can get nice close ups without them being blurry.
yea the camera i use is a webcam and the close ups are shit but its good enough for now untill i get my camera


Well-Known Member
ok theres a lot more red hairs on the nugs then before and i looked at the trichs and most of the are small and clear and theres like on or two that are small and amber whats with that im pretty sure im still long from harvest its the first day of the sixth week of flowering

also im using two 23w cfls and a 20" aquaurium flouro

check the pics

just took these like 5 min ago



Well-Known Member
When you harvest................... Trim, Cut, and hang in a dark place with proper airflow. Wait until you can snap the stems. It makes a cracking sound:-) After that put in mason jars and cure. Burp 3 times daily leaving the lid off for about 10 minutes so fresh air gets in and dirty air gets out then pit lid back on. Do this for about 2-3 weeks for best smoke. You can sample early but it may be a little harsh. That's basically it.



Well-Known Member
hey guys i took some new pics today because the cola is really filling out and she looks awesome:mrgreen: any way check her out...

how long from harvest you think? at least 3 or 4 more weeks right? its kinda hard to see the hairs from the pics but like 60% of the hairs are light brown/red and theres still a lot of white hairs

also i recently read this post from capncash and i want to know if i should do these things before harvest:

"1. Good flushes starting 2 weeks from harvest. get all the residual salts and nutrient build up out of the soil/water.The leave stems should taste like pure water (not bitter).

2. Get Humidity down as low as possible in the last 10 days to increase resin production. I like to drop temp a bit too.

3. Less water in the last 10 days. Cut waterings in half in soil or hydro. Again to increase resin production.

4. Last 2 days: No water no lights.

5. Cut the plants down WITH THE LIGHTS OFF, dont want the plant to think it is daytime and start pulling up nutrients out of the roots. this will cut down on that grassy smell and speed up cure time a LOT.

This is how you go from that mid hay to that sweet smell your lookin for."



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