advice welcome*pics*

dj crane

Well-Known Member
this is my first grow so there are many things i am unsure of. the room started with 7 seeds that were all badseed while i wait on my seeds online and get experience. all seemed like females however 3 weeks into flowering many showed hermie traits(i think). i removed all of them except one and remove the balls as needed to see how it will grow. the other seems to be doing fine, though i don't know how to tell if a plant is pregnant. i was interested to see what people thought of the plants as well as how much of a yeild i could expect. i am useing a 400w hps along with a 32w 4 foot t-5 and a 18" cfl. i use the full line of fox farm: Grow big, Big Bloom, tiget bloom, aswell as fox farm open sesame, beasty bloomz, and chi ching. al advice/ comments would be greatly welcome


dj crane

Well-Known Member
i am also curious about techniques at this stage eg.. lollipopingetc. anything anyone could expand on


Well-Known Member
I think they look great man +rep I think your doing fine. The amount of money you spent on nutes I built my whole growbox and then some.. looks tasty


Active Member
they look streched to me one close to fan is def fem! you will be staking them up with that spindaly stock try lowering light and a fan

dj crane

Well-Known Member
i thought the light might have been to far up but there only like 18" so i was nervous to try lower, i think that was problem with veg state, i left the light to high. the one one the left is the one i'm most interested in, it looks good i think, i throw out 5 plants i'm almost 100% were hermies just to save this plant. the one on the right also developed into a HERMIE but i picked every ball of and now i watch it every day to see if it grows more balls, so far it seems good, how do i tell if a plant is pregnant?

dj crane

Well-Known Member
lol, i spent a fortune on nutes, it's my firsat grow so i did't want to fuck em up, lucky i had a good closet so i didn't need a box or cabinet. i have seen some awsome setups on this site for the price of a night out, very impressive


Well-Known Member
it being your first grow and there already flowering you cant lollipop now you do it in the clone veg part you keep them small with 1 big main branch next time you should try topping of LST ing them it works a lot better

dj crane

Well-Known Member
it being your first grow and there already flowering you cant lollipop now you do it in the clone veg part you keep them small with 1 big main branch next time you should try topping of LST ing them it works a lot better

please tell me more about "next time you should try topping of LST ing them it works a lot better"

when i first got my hps i had two that were a month old on cfl so the guy at the hydro store said to grip new top growth and pinch it off to keep them from growing upwards. i did this to the plant on the left.


Well-Known Member
lst is low stress trainging and what you do is after it gets to a certain height you take the top and tie it down so the stem bends and what that does is gives the rest of the plant a chance to catch up to the same height and you keep doing this so on and so on with new growthe so that it makes an even canopy, this makes better budsites and also keeps the plant height down a lot

dj crane

Well-Known Member
yea i have been bending my plants to keep them under the 5 feet or so i have in my closet, though if they do get bigger i can move the hieght to 7 feet without too much hassel. while i have people interested i want to ask a bunch of questions,lol, do these look on course to be harvested in 6 weeks? how much (though i know this is a hted question) can i expect to get out of this? how much will i lose during curing? thank you every one gave advice rep+ to ye.


Well-Known Member
well to see if there ready best way i to get a microscope and look at the trichs, you can get one at radioshack for like ten or so and about the weight idk, they fluffy or solid nuggs? and also after you harvest way it while its wet ive heard a good rule of thumb is youll get a 1/4 of your wet weight once its dried and cured

dj crane

Well-Known Member
i have a 30x microscope, i just didn,t really know what pekople meant by 80 % amber
i guess i will understand when i see it


Well-Known Member
ya just take a look, some people harvest at different times, some when the trichs are cloudy looking and some when they are amber in color

dj crane

Well-Known Member
my buds are very fluffy on the one on the right, and fairly fluffy on the left one, i hope they get tighter. so which does the forum think better? cloudy or amber?


Well-Known Member
You need to change skins for +Rep got to myrollitup under options and change to blzin07

In very general terms:
Amber = more body high couchlock
Cloudy = more cerebral high


Well-Known Member
LOL i have just been saying +rep not actually giving rep lol oops anyway keep the light closer and maby add some CFLS around the sides of the plants aswells to assure proper side light in order to make those lower tops grow dense nice sized buds... um like others said be prepared to prop up those branches with a stick or sumthing once bud weight starts rising. also i agree that in curing you will loose roughly 3/4 of the wet weight. I preffer to wait until trichs are amber orange coloured for a more heavy buzz.......!!!!!! and remember the better light penatration the denser the buds!!!!!!!!!!