advice plz for my aeroponic propagator


Well-Known Member
im about to start growing some feminized g13 haze. iv mixed some formulex with water n got the ph down to 5.7 with a few drops of vinegar. is that correct??? next i soaked 8 x 1" rockwool cubes in the liquid i mixed for 2 hours.i gave them a little squeeze so they arnt soaked,and i put my seeds in the tiny holes and placed em in my 12 pot aeroponic propagator. see link here
Aeroponic Propagators

the temperature is 78f/25c. WHAT do i do next??? do i start the pump up and spray the rockwool cubes or so i just wet the cubes now and then if they dry out...... plz help


Well-Known Member
should i use proper ph down from hydro shop?? if i use that and do all the procedure again how do i water my cubes??


Active Member
I would always use anything for your water from a hydro shop. By this I mean PH up/down, ferts and so on.
You can start a seed in rockwool just by soaking it for 15 min then putting the seed about a half inch inside the rockwool and setting it in a tray under fluorescent lights. Then keep it moist. The aero spray comes in when you have roots hanging out of the rockwool or when you have a stronger root system. Then they should be watered. Hope this helped.
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Well-Known Member
thanks. i have the ph up n down now.i even got a ppm/ec meter. so i know i need to get my ph to 5.5-6.0, but what ppm/ec should it be? also probly silly question but do you put the seed a certain way in the rockwool cube. i.e pointing upwards? 1 more question plz.. i was told once the seeds are in rockwool and in the aeroponic propagator,to keep the cubes moist i should sray them for 15mins every 2 hours, then when the start to root i should spray for 15mins every hour. is this correct? thanx


Active Member
first test your water with your ppm meter. This will tell you where you are starting before adding any nutrients. ppm should be kept low 400 or less.

because you are using rockwool moisture will be retained better and therefore will only need to be sprayed intermitently as you stated. get a timer so you don't have to do it by hand.

keep ph around 6. 5.5 is low for seeds.