advice please

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
she will recover, however the damaged leaves will not. the damaged leaves are still good so dont cut them off, the undamaged part of the leaf (green part) will still photosynthesize (spelling?).

that r.o. system from lowes was easy as hell to install. just keep in mind that it takes 24 hours of purging until its ready to spit out 0ppm water. follow the instructions and you'll be good.


if u put her in ocean forest theres no need to feed her with strong nutes for the first couple weeks(depending on container size, rate of growth). the ocean forest has high levels of nutes that can shock plants by itself even w/o nutes. i always mix my ocean forest with perlite, and happy frog to ensure good drainage and avoid nute burn, and dont use full strength nutes for usually a month. every other watering after transplant i give them a little fox farm big bloom liquid earthworm castings, botanicare liquid karma sea weed extract, and superthrive and have had success! Good Luck!
you have a nute problem by the looks of it but im curious as to the pot you have it in. the white one ever i am smoking to much or i can see your trousers through it as the light from i guess your window to the left of it. now im no rocket scientist but light and roots dont mix if i were you id start basic repot if the pot is letting light in it might only be a marginal bit but still letting it through i swap for black or brown pot. next i would flush the plant for minimum 3 days with ph water as to wash your medium of nutes, therefore if you dont feed nutes during flush and your plant regains a marginal or apparent health and regains the green chlorophyl your problem is nutes. if the problem persists after say the 5 day start your plant on a quart feed for the first one with a higher N and less P during veg. the first response for a newbie grower is they are not getting enough of something but trial and error that way will inevitably kill your plant trying to find the endless defiency list and will be harder to come back from because you will need to flush still as you have gone on a nute and micro nute mission and over nuted along the way so start basics flush water ph then slow feed as explained. i next look at the water your using the ph and ppm using a little HNO3 to ph down during veg will help aswell if no HNO3 then a little trade secret vinegar yes white stuff works well as being a carbox acid the ions dont dissociate in solution as with mineral acids so when you flush you flush em out using HNO3 wont always solve the problem as you might still over nute depending on the N content in your feed