Advice On Using Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grand Master Line Up

Daniel Bernard

New Member
Hey so I just bought the Whole Advanced Nutrients Grand master line up. Connoisseur Grow A&B,
Connoisseur Bloom A&B
+ Every additive available
Flow and Grow hydro set up, 0 ppm Ro water, plants are going into Hydroton as soon as I can figure out the Nutrients. Any advice on using this complex system would be great.
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what does the bottle say? I've never used connoisseur but with the gmb you use between 1-4 ml per litre of water depending on plant stage. The additives you'll use at different times according to the bottle instructions, most of them are 2 ml per litre in weeks 1-6 of bloom. It's actually very easy to follow, I use 1 ml dose for seeds and cuts, 2 ml for ones with three or four leaf sets, then 3 ml, then 4. You'll only use a couple of the additives in veg, most are used in flower. If this is your first go at hydro id get the standard grow micro bloom or sensi bloom set as I've heard you need some experience before diving into connoisseur. Take it easy on them and gradually increase to see how they tolerate it. Folks will tell you youve wasted your money and the nutes wont work because they don't like AN but rest assured they work just fine, just like all the brands of nutes work just fine if you stick with em and follow what the plants are showing you. Don't use any ph up or down, check ph if you want but they will be fine, even if its 8, so be prepared for that if you choose to check ph. 8 was the last reading i got three years ago, they were thriving so i chucked my ph pen at that point. Top off with plain water, i use tap, it read 150 ppm last i checked it, as they use it for best results, changing the res each week. If you miss a change by a day or two dont sweat it, ive let them go up to three weeks without changing though i wouldnt take that chance again. WP_20161202_08_36_12_Pro.jpg I've been using them a few years now with no problems. This is one from my current run, it's in dwc under a 600w hps, it's on week seven of 10-11 here
i smell a fish/troll/lying nub/14 yr old on moms comp

1) if you spent that much money on nutes you would know the chart is on an site. well maybe not because you would be silly to spend that much on nutes LOL so maybe you dont use any common logic

2) smh you just paid a fortune for water
Thanks, I would have went straight for the ph down. I have been growing for 3yrs. I was just looking for any little tricks. I already read to start at 50% of the recommended dose of connoisseur. I just wanted to confirm any tricks on using piranha and tarantula.
Hey so I just bought the Whole Advanced Nutrients Grand master line up. Connoisseur Grow A&B,
Connoisseur Bloom A&B
+ Every additive available
Flow and Grow hydro set up, 0 ppm Ro water, plants are going into Hydroton as soon as I can figure out the Nutrients. Any advice on using this complex system would be great.

Ummmm.... 'don't' lol
Why don't you get a Fucking life!! You are obviously to broke or cheep to buy Advanced. Why are you even posting. There is little tricks to every company like dirtweevil just posted.
just ignore trolls, I hit ignore on their profile and they disappear lol, most of them have nothing constructive to add, they reply to your thread but add nothing of use, no answer to your question, no real help, just a seething hatred over a choice someone else makes. Its so funny imagining their steaming mad faces when someone uses something these little fanboy trolls dont like, oh and when you show actual results from these nutes that supposedly dont work and only exist to rip off noobs all you hear is crickets lol. This place is packed with hatred for AN, no idea why, they work fucking great, as you will soon find out, in fact all the brands of nutrients work just fine if you use them correctly. The whole argument is laughable and doesn't help anyone, you see the one guy got so mad he wants your whole thread deleted, and for no other reason than he doesn't like the nutes you chose, petty.

Use piranha and voodoo juice in weeks 1&2 of bloom and veg., I put a drop or two of each in the hole before cuttings go in and a drop or two at the base of new seedlings. I haven't used tarantula so no help for that one
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From what I've seen advanced works pretty well. Thats not the reason people don't like it. It's the price tag and bullshit marketing tactics they use to take advantage of noobs.
Like this gem, Advanced Nutrients Kushie Kush Soil Amendment is a Strain-specific Bloom Booster That Makes Your Kush Plants Yield Bigger, More Potent Buds!

One thing to notice is that while Kush growers have spent many years and dollars using other bloom products, never before has anyone given Kush cultivators a bloom booster that specifically pumps more value, yield and potency into their beloved Kush buds. And you bet you’ll feel your medical problems very quickly recede when you’ve inhaled your tasty bowl of custom-fed Kush medicine. Kush booster that makes more harvest weight and medicinal potency.
You’re Guaranteed To Get Remarkable Increase In Bud Weight!
Better yet, you’re guaranteed at least 1 7 .7 3 % increase in bud weight, you’ll be glad you use Kushie Kush to unleash your kush plants full genetic potential.

Theres nothing unique about cannabis plants that require 35 different bottles. They use the same elements that they did when dinosaurs were shitting on them.

If people are naive enough to believe "kush" has different needs they deserve to get ripped off. Then you have og kush, banana kush, blueberry kush, purple kush, grandma's dingleberry kush, where's it end? If people like advanced and don't mind the price tag then by all means use it. Unfortunately there are people that depend on weed for legit medical reasons and may not have alot of extra cash laying around, but buy products thinking of the guaranteed increase in yield or medical potency made from the manufactures with zero science to back it.

Theres an old saying "a fool and his money are easily parted." That's what some of these companies depend on.
just ignore trolls, I hit ignore on their profile and they disappear lol, most of them have nothing constructive to add, they reply to your thread but add nothing of use, no answer to your question, no real help, just a seething hatred over a choice someone else makes. Its so funny imagining their steaming mad faces when someone uses something these little fanboy trolls dont like, oh and when you show actual results from these nutes that supposedly dont work and only exist to rip off noobs all you hear is crickets lol. This place is packed with hatred for AN, no idea why, they work fucking great, as you will soon find out, in fact all the brands of nutrients work just fine if you use them correctly. The whole argument is laughable and doesn't help anyone, you see the one guy got so mad he wants your whole thread deleted, and for no other reason than he doesn't like the nutes you chose, petty.

Use piranha and voodoo juice in weeks 1&2 of bloom and veg., I put a drop or two of each in the hole before cuttings go in and a drop or two at the base of new seedlings. I haven't used tarantula so no help for that one
telling someone to not use AN is the Best advise anyone can give. Standing up for AN makes YOU the fanboy. Not knowing why not to buy An makes YOU the ignorant one here, just sayin!
I have read several debates. Seems most ppl have had conflicting results with the same products, so I decided to try ff and av on 2 clones to work it out. Thanks for the reply
Advanced Nutrients Feeding Guidelines (directly from AN)
The amounts suggested to use are the amounts to feed for the whole week, if you want to feed more than once per week, divide the amount for the whole week by the number of feedings that you want to give your plants, give the plant just plain pH adjusted water when not feeding nutrients. (Ideally the pots are dry every 2 - 3 days)

In soil adjust the final pH of the solution to 6.3.

Feeding Guidelines
Don't start feeding nutrients to rooting clones or seedlings such as the 2 part Sensi A & B (Grow) until they develop 3 or 4 sets of new/true leaves.

Until they develop 3 or 4 sets of new (clones)/true (seedlings) leaves feed them only water. You can foliar spray them with Jumpstart, use application rate suggested on the bottle or 1/4 strength B-52 (1 mL/liter) until then. You can also add 1/4 strength applications of Piranha, Tarantula and Voodoo Juice, to the water that you will use in the root zone.Clones seedlings need high levels of moisture in the medium (80% -85% is good 100% is too much)
They also like a warmer environment in the root zone 70F - 80F.

Entering the Vegetative stage, Use the Rooted Clones / Seedlings schedule in the nutrient calculator for the first two weeks of feeding)

Week 1 - At 3 or 4 sets of new leaves mix nutrient solution at 300 ppm

Week 2 - Mix nutrient solution at 600 ppm

Switch to Vegetative Stage feeding schedule if you are going to vegetate the plants longer than two weeks, the calculator goes up to another 8 weeks (you don't need to veg the whole 8 weeks).

Week 3 (is Week 1 on the vegetative chart) - Mix nutrient solution at 600 - 900 ppm depending on size.
Week 4 - Mix nutrient solution at 900 -1200 ppm depending on size.

Follow chart for additional weeks as required

When entering the Bloom Stage follow the medium feeding strength. (If growing indoors the bloom stage starts when the lights are switched to twelve hours of darkness and twelve hour of light).

Week 1- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1000 ppm

Week 2 - mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1200 ppm

Week 3- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1400 ppm

Week 4- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1600 ppm

Week 5- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1400 ppm

Week 6- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1200 ppm

Week 7- Flush
The nutrient calculator is set for a 7 week strain; it can be customized for plants that require more than 7 weeks to complete their flower stage. Just click add a week.

The amounts suggested in the nutrient calculator are the total nutrient to feed the plant for a whole week, not the amount to give them per feeding.

If you want to give your plants nutrient solution more than once per week, divide the amount (total ppm) for the week by the number of feedings that you want to give them to calculate the ppm per feeding. A light cycle of plain ph adjusted water prior to commencing a new week's feeding schedule will help prevent lock out conditions.

Plants may increase their over all size up to 2/3, during the bloom stage, for this reason the feeding schedules in the calculator increases the strength of the nutrient solution every week, reaching the highest concentration on the fourth week of bloom.

If plant needs longer than 6 weeks of feeding (7 week strain, the 7Th week is a flush week), repeat week 4 for each extra week.

Always reduce the amount that you feed your plants during the last two weeks of feeding.


If the very tip of the leaves gets yellow it is an early sign of overfeeding. Reduce the solution strength slightly (100 - 150 ppm), if not increase slightly.


If the margins or any other part of the leaves yellows off it is a possible sign of deficiencies. Check pH in medium and reservoir, if the pH is off from the ideal levels look out conditions may develop. At first symptom of a deficiency apply rule # 1 (When in doubt flush them out).

If growing in a medium that takes some time to dry up, allow the medium to dry and feeding them plain pH adjusted water when they are ready. If growing in a re circulating system, find a way to give them only pH adjusted water for the length of a light cycle, a second reservoir just for water may be a simple solution, then it is just a matter of moving the pump over, maintain the regular water pump cycle during the flush.

pH conditions in medium

In Soil/Soiless (Soil or Soiless mixtures that may also contain peat moss but not Coco Coir) adjust the pH to 6.3
In Hydro (It includes products such as Rockwool, Hydroton Rock, and Lava Rock) adjust to 5.6
In Coco Coir adjust the ph to 5.8 - 6.0. You may want to supplement with SensiCal when growing in coco with a base nutrient that in not specific to growing in coco

Root damage
Another possibility is damage in the root zone, check for the possibility of root rot, or insect larvae as potential causes for root deterioration, brown, mushy, smelly roots are a good indicator of root damage. Hydrogen peroxide is an efficient way to destroy root rot causing bacteria.

Mixing instructions
If using the base nutrient stand alone, mix nutrients according to instructions on the bottle.
If also using supplements follow feeding schedule in the nutrient calculator.

1 gallon = 4 liters (quarts)
1 tsp (teaspoon) = 5 mL
1/2 tsp (teaspoon) = 2.5 mL
1/4 tsp (teaspoon) = 1.25 mL
1 tbsp (tablespoon) = 3 tsp (teaspoon) = 15 mL

I hope that this is the answer that you are looking for. If you have further questions please contact us via e-mail or by calling our tech support toll free line at 1 800 640 9605.
Soooooo, to help us noobs out, you suggest what nutes?
There is nothing wrong with AN. always start with much less than suggested and see how it goes. i recommend you research different nutes and switch them up throughout. i have always felt this helps to keep things balanced, what one nute doesnt have the other might if you research and pair them well. i use a combo of AN, Humboldt Countys Own, and Botanicare products mostly. my flower has been testing out at roughly 10% to 15% higher thc than other local dispensary grows.
Hmmm, interesting. I have never understood the animosity towards AN. The truth is the stuff works and woks very very well. I've been using AN for almost 10 years and have zero problems with it. No you don;t need the entire line of additives. I run the Hobbyist level with couple things thrown in and it works very very well. Some have claimed my buds to be organic soil grown when in fact they are grown in hand watered coco using AN. Personally, I would wholeheartedly support AN before i gave a single dime to GH, Gavita, or Botanical now that they've all sold out to Scotts and Monsanto. Period. Scotts will not get any money from me. Before the loser companies sold out, I used GH and always had to deal with deficiencies.

Thank you to HarveyHarvester for that informative post. That's what these forums are for, passing good information, not ignorant trolling.

I'm currently using the Connoisseur Coco and hydro line, and B-52, Big Bud, Bud Factor X, Voodoo Juice, Sugar Daddy and at the end of the cycle I give them Flawless Finish.

let the ignorant keep on hating and feeding Scotts and Monsanto. I sleep well at night knowing I am not empowering those companies.
Hmmm, interesting. I have never understood the animosity towards AN. The truth is the stuff works and woks very very well. I've been using AN for almost 10 years and have zero problems with it. No you don;t need the entire line of additives. I run the Hobbyist level with couple things thrown in and it works very very well. Some have claimed my buds to be organic soil grown when in fact they are grown in hand watered coco using AN. Personally, I would wholeheartedly support AN before i gave a single dime to GH, Gavita, or Botanical now that they've all sold out to Scotts and Monsanto. Period. Scotts will not get any money from me. Before the loser companies sold out, I used GH and always had to deal with deficiencies.

Thank you to HarveyHarvester for that informative post. That's what these forums are for, passing good information, not ignorant trolling.

I'm currently using the Connoisseur Coco and hydro line, and B-52, Big Bud, Bud Factor X, Voodoo Juice, Sugar Daddy and at the end of the cycle I give them Flawless Finish.

let the ignorant keep on hating and feeding Scotts and Monsanto. I sleep well at night knowing I am not empowering those companies.

It's overpriced. All their products are diluted to shit. And they seperate EVERY single one into a seperate $20-30 bottle. Their beneficial bacteria products have been lab tested and found no live bacteria MULTIPLE years in a row. They do not work any better than any other line.

AN base trio nutrients are 5 times less potent than GH flora series trio. 5 times less nutrients in the bottles.

Fuck AN.

FYI, big bud, bud factor x, voodoo juice, and sugar daddy are all useless really.

All you need for max yields and quality is cheap base nutrients, a microbial/fungi product, kelp and humic/fulvic acid product, molasses, and silica. Recharge has all but silica. And is meant for cannabis. Recharge is so powerful, if you dont see boosted growth/vigor in 48 hr you can get a refund.

Nothing else will really make any difference in yields and quality even. Maybe a sulfer product or a fish extract will boost quality a tad.

PK bloom boosters are a scam. Need more PK? use more bloom base nutes...

Sugar additives only help if you feed fungi/bacteria. And if you arent feeding fungi (mycorrhiza) then sugar wont do anything for growth. Bacteria only keep roots from having root rot and help nitrogen levels.
good points. however, i don;t want to measure my nutes with an eye dropper. my old eyes have trouble seeing such small measurements. I know that mixing my nutes in a 2.5 gallon container, I can use 1 full shot glass of Connoisseur Bloom A&B, and half a shot of the additives i use and know for a fact that I will not burn my plants. As far as the bacteria additives, I have seen the bacteria colonize in Voodoo juice. I use Great White in place of the other 2 ( Tarantula and Piranha ) I have burned the living hell out of plants using GH. Never done it with AN and I think that kind of piece of mind is priceless. I know if I overfeed, there will be very little detriment to the plants and it's very simple in coco, : Feed, Water, Feed Water, etc. IF i get a little tip burn, I just water twice in a row. It's very simple and i don't have to mess with it. I can also do much larger scale garden with little worry.

use what works for you. I get GREAT results with AN