Advice on plant support


Well-Known Member
I have 3 outdoor plants, 2 in 20 gallon smart pots and one in my garden bed. The plants have grown beyond my expectations so far and I'm worried about support when they start flowering. Wondering if I should do another cage or just use steaks to support them? Not worried about hiding them since I'm in Colorado. They currently have tomato cages on them. The potted plants are about 3 x 3 and the garden bed plant is about 4×4 feet

Using down to earth organics for nutrients and it seems to be working awesome. First real outdoor grow so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Assuming you keep them girls happy and well fed, which it looks like you are doing just fine, yes you are definitely going to want to invest in some type of support. This tends to be dealers choice if you are inquiring as to the TYPE of supports to use. For my outdoor grows, I found it easiest and most user friendly to use large hole steel rolled fencing. Roll it over the top of the plants like in a rainbow shape. As the plant grows, it will grow into the holes of the fence and it will give you multiple places to tie branches on to. This is just the method I use, the skys the limit though. Happy growing my friend.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the replies everyone. I'm thinking about doing the steel fence since I already have some but was worried about getting the branches back through. Received these clones from a friend and not sure how far they'll stretch, they don't show any real signs of flowering yet. Not sure if I should hack that tomato plant next to it for space either.



Well-Known Member
I appreciate the replies everyone. I'm thinking about doing the steel fence since I already have some but was worried about getting the branches back through. Received these clones from a friend and not sure how far they'll stretch, they don't show any real signs of flowering yet. Not sure if I should hack that tomato plant next to it for space either.
Don't forget to use something gentle to bind the branches upward, kinda like they do to Christmas trees before putting the cage on then cut the string or whatever and pull them thru.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'll probably cut it back due to space. Aphids never seem to go after my tomato plants out here. Been having a earwig problem this year though. They chew the hell out of the leaves on everything but my tomatoes


Well-Known Member
2nd question. Would you transplant the 20 gallon smart pots if you were me. They're about 3x3 and not flowering


Well-Known Member
2nd question. Would you transplant the 20 gallon smart pots if you were me. They're about 3x3 and not flowering
Yes. Transplant and you wont regret it. And there is a product called tanglefoot that you put on the base of the main stalk. The earwigs won't be able to cross it, super sticky stuff. Just don't touch it lol. Use a Popsicle stick or the like to apply. Also bury half full beer cans to the rim. The earwigs will crawl in for a sip and never come back out.