Advice on my set up and expected outcome

Hi all this is my first time posting, just looking for advice on my set up and what I can expect as far as yield etc. Thanks.
6 plants in a GH Eco grower system 6 site(how should I run the water cycle?)
2x 1000w dual bulb bannisters. I am going to use 4 MH bulbs for vegging and 4 HPS bulbs for flowering.
(670w per plant)
I am going to use fox farms nutrients because they are organic. (advice on which ones to get? Or alternative better organic nutrients.
I was going to use bat guano because I've heard good things about it but I have no clue how to use it correctly/what stage it should be used/ or if guano can even be used in hydro gravel.

I plan on growing 3 ISS and 3 NYC D
I plan on flushing for two weeks (when the pistils begin to turn orange/red, and harvest when 35-50%
are orange/red)
I plan on doing a 24 hour stress period right before harvest (total darkness) which I've heard helps potency (from a grower who grew some of the highest quality and most potent smoke I've ever had.)

What can I expect as far as potency, and yield (obviously it's not finite but just some estimations.)
I will be FIMing at 3 weeks and expect to veg 8 weeks because of the two week set back from FIMing.
I do not have any co2 injection.
Any advice and estimations are welcomed, thanks!


ive heard flushing for two weeks decreases yeild but improves flavour. probly 5-6 ounces a plant if correctly cared for. you can buy co2 tablets and bung them in a bucket of water and have that in your grow room. im using the growth technology ionic nutrient range myself dont know what its like yet though.
ive heard flushing for two weeks decreases yeild but improves flavour. probly 5-6 ounces a plant if correctly cared for. you can buy co2 tablets and bung them in a bucket of water and have that in your grow room. im using the growth technology ionic nutrient range myself dont know what its like yet though.
You think so? I know it's always best to estimate low but I've heard of a 4.5lb yield off one plant, indoor too. He had 1 1000w hps and 4 12w to to get another spectrum. 6 week veg and boom 4.5 lbs
I think given the long veg time and the high amount of wattage per plant, that the yield should surely be higher but I am a novice and have only grown twice so I could be totally wrong.
I'd hope for more because I am vegging for awhile and using a great light/hydro system
Also I've thought about doing a scrOG but I don't see the benefits with a well spaced out set up and enough lights to pierce the canopy. Thoughts?


Active Member
Vegging longer will surely produce for, but this takes in account for having the space for it. I have never seen a indoor grow under 1k, produce 4.5 lbs with 1 plant. I would like to read it tho! Most people only pull around 1g per watt under optimal indoor conditions. Your yeild will be directly related to your light, your feeding regiment, how long they veg, and the strain of the plant you have. Sativa dom strains usually produce the most, and are widely used for outdoor for this reason. I hope all goes well sir!
Yeah 1g per watt sounds about right which would put me at about 144 ounces after harvest. But that's given a more normal veg time. Really my dilemma is whether it is better to grow 6 plants with 670w going to each, along with more personal care for each plant VS going for a SOG, fogponic and growing in an 80 site. The problem with the SOG especially in this fogponics system is the fact that over crowding looks like it will be a huge problem. I was goon to try and pack 40 plants under 4000w in the dominaero fogponic system. So whatcha think? SOG 40 plants (100w per plant) or 6 plants long veg and 670w ??? (as far as yield)


Active Member
Well, with regular veg times you should be able to pull a couple oz per plant. Sog style is 4 plants per square foot, of course with longer veg periods this can get kind of crouded. With 4000 watts, your yeild will be far greater than the idea of 6 under 670w.If that makes sense. You have more plants and lights with the 40 sog style. I would go with 40 under 4000. Pick a good producing strain and you will have no problem pulling in some weight. I use dwc mostly, and have yet to play with fogponics. I would just go TRUE Aero, if I were to go down that route. Let the forums know too when you get things going. W/e you decide, just be safe.:bigjoint:


Yeah 1g per watt sounds about right which would put me at about 144 ounces after harvest. But that's given a more normal veg time. Really my dilemma is whether it is better to grow 6 plants with 670w going to each, along with more personal care for each plant VS going for a SOG, fogponic and growing in an 80 site. The problem with the SOG especially in this fogponics system is the fact that over crowding looks like it will be a huge problem. I was goon to try and pack 40 plants under 4000w in the dominaero fogponic system. So whatcha think? SOG 40 plants (100w per plant) or 6 plants long veg and 670w ??? (as far as yield)
Don't knock sog til you've tried it. I used to grow ebb and flow 1 plant per square foot 86w per square foot. Achieving around 92 grams per plant. Now I grow sog still ebb and flow in 6" rockwool blocks 4 plants per square foot still 86w per square foot. Now on average I yield 30 g per plant so 120g per square foot. Plus I don't need to veg anymore. I have a 3x6 area dedicated to mothers and clones and I could probably do it with less. No veg means quicker harvest. 6x6" is adequate for a single plant with one main cola. I found overcrwoding was a problem at first but now I am more confident and really trim the hell outa my girls. Everything below the top half of the plant is cut off. So all you really need space for is a few fan leaves and ur main budstalk. I personally haven't used the system u mention and wouldn't know what the site spacing is like but 6x6 is sufficient dude. Could even b 4x4 if I was using sativas and trimming as I do. Indicas yield best for sog or atleast indica dominant. The thing with sog is air circulation is key. Lots of oscilating fans all around and under canopy makes for less humidity caused problems like powdery mildew. Have a flick thru al b fuct's get a harvest every 2 weeks. It changed the way I grow and ill never go back. I haven't copied his grow but have implimented a lot of the tactics and practises into my grow and its changed my life. Sounds abit sad to say that but really it has. Give it a read. Whatever method u go with there's a lot of outstanding info in this thread that is usefull to everyone. Why you using organic nutrients? Personally I think that organic anything in a hydro system is a recipe for disaster as organic compounds promote pathogen growth. If germs can eat it they'll breed. Just my 2 pennies dude.


Well-Known Member
I'd definately consider using one of your MH's with your HPS's for flowering... As well as using one of your HPs's for vegging... You will find that a mixed spectrum will provide for happier plants... I run 1,150W of mixed in a 4' X 2' closet that is completely "tricked out" with awesome ventilation, CO2, and auto pumps in a drainpan, with a grate that my 5-gallon buckets sit on, and get on avg 1.5-2lbs per harvest with 6-8 plants, and I definately use pruning methods like FIM and supercropping... I figured out my last yield to be right at .91 grams per watt... Thatz perdy efficient... Sounds like u have it goin on tho... I would totally suggest to mix those spectrums for the entire grow, however...


Active Member
Jasman...Dude. I want to learn more about your setup, and how you roll it out. I've got 100 sf of grow area to work with and I'd love to maximize my yield, sounds like you've got it pretty dialed in. Right now I'm growing in soil but I know I could do better in Hydro. I'm a cash cropper, so when I heard your getting 120g per square foot with a harvest every 2 weeks.... Even though I'm sure those numbers might be like 1/2 of that for me, it's still a improvement to what I'm doing now. Plus I'm sick of dealing with all this freaking dirt :) Do you have a grow journal, or pics of your set up?
Thanks for the advice! Anything about good systems to use for SOG that are cost efficient? Will straight fogponics work for the flowering stage? I've heard some mixed reviews.


Jasman...Dude. I want to learn more about your setup, and how you roll it out. I've got 100 sf of grow area to work with and I'd love to maximize my yield, sounds like you've got it pretty dialed in. Right now I'm growing in soil but I know I could do better in Hydro. I'm a cash cropper, so when I heard your getting 120g per square foot with a harvest every 2 weeks.... Even though I'm sure those numbers might be like 1/2 of that for me, it's still a improvement to what I'm doing now. Plus I'm sick of dealing with all this freaking dirt :) Do you have a grow journal, or pics of your set up?
Nah I don't do pics kinda security consciece, no journal either. I really only started using forums earlier this year. Before I learned by mistake after mistake. Reading books and learning off buddys. Really underestimated the power of the mighty forum lol!Allthough my set up is perpetuall its not fourtnightly harvest but rather a monthly harvest. Until recently I had a buddy supplied me clones in great condition and quantity. So basically what I've got is 2 4x6 flood tables with 2 300l reservoirs (big but I figured bigger the better). The flood trays are packed with 6"x6"x6" rockwool blocks. There are 96 blocks per table, four per square foot. Above each flood table are 2 1000w hps in cooltubes with cheap double parabola reflectors (soon to be adjustawings). Because of the cooltubes I can place the light 12" from plant tops. Because of the shape of the reflector I can hang the light low and the light that would normaly be wasted is used to light more area. This gives a rectangular footprint above each half of the flood table. Clones go in on a monthly basis. Just as one flood table is being harvested I've got clones in takin there place. Like I said I had a buddy supplyin me clones but it was costin me like £5 a clone nd that's no good to me anymore. So last time I bought 96 I bought an extra 20 which I'm currently vegging up to be mothers. I have the mothers in a 3x3 flood and drain system in the same rw blocks I mentioned. This 3x3 tray is surrounded in panda film and has its own small vent system and 600w hps. Adjacent to that I have a purpouse modified tool chest for a clone box. As for nutes I only use what I believe is absolutley neccessary. I have those mothers running on 1600ppm canna vega a+b. Dosed with 1ml/l every other day of 50% H2O2. In the flower room its no more complicated then that. When clones first go in they get 1200ppm canna flores. In week 2 1300ppm. Week 3 1400ppm. Week four to seven 1500ppm. Last week flush with phd water. The flowering plants reservoirs are also dosed every other day with H2O2. Reservoirs are dumped and refilled with plain tap water then nutes on a bi weekly basis. Plants have everything cut from the bottom half of the plant in week 1 and 3 to ensure growth is directed to the main cola and keep plants from bushing out. Plants with lower branches that produce lower quality whispy bud sap energy and bud producing hormones from the main cola. I think you will all know by now the cola is the best appreciated bud!. Pretty much everything I know about this method was learned from that thread "get a harvest every 2 weeks" by Al b fuct. This guys the knowlege base behind my op. I pretty much have just copied what he has done and tweaked it in a way that suits me best. Up untill 3 weeks ago I had never kept my own mothers but it had to be done at some point so why not now while I can still get good clones. Can't imagine what itd b like starting from seed again!


Thanks for the advice! Anything about good systems to use for SOG that are cost efficient? Will straight fogponics work for the flowering stage? I've heard some mixed reviews.
Personally I have no experience with fogponics and not quite sure what it is. If its the aeroponic system with misters I couldn't comment tbh. I phave never done it. The thing with aeroponics is there's to much to go wrong. While yields are impressive and growth rate is enhanced they lack a certain low maintenance ellement that I like in my op. Misters clog with nute salts. Pumps fail plants die quick! With flood and drain its stupidly simple and if my only active component (pump) should fail, I reckon I'd have atleast a day to catch it. My rw cubes hold a lot of water. When I was shopping for my mothers I built the 3x3 flood and drain system for under £70. With it I could grow 36 sog style plants with a 600w above and achieve around 20g a plant. That is a cheap system with good output and low maintenance. With the added bonus of knowing if ur pump fails you've got atleast a day to sort it out.


I just checked out fogponics. For this to be practical I would need to have some sort of additional safety measures in place like back up foggers. Without this a planor rather allmost a hundred would be dead in hours. I can't afford to loose that much weed lol. The yield of a working medialess system like fogponics over a year minus the casualties of one or two crops that fail would most definatly be worse than the yield of my system over a year with zero failiures.


Active Member
LIke..............:) now I dont have to say it... I am going to build a Death Star. want to hear my plans?


LIke..............:) now I dont have to say it... I am going to build a Death Star. want to hear my plans?
What's a death star? Star wars? Intergalactic hydro op. 10k hps and invisible lazer cannons? Lol I really should double check before I write I think I got it mixed up with my 56wpsf op.