Advice on moving to California???


Well-Known Member
I have a friend in the gaming industry out there. He lived near San Diego for a while. He said it was okay. Then he got a better job offer, stock options, an extra ten grand a year to start, with an extra five grand in annual bonuses. Problem was, he was broke and didn't have enough moolah to move to San Francisco, find a place and survive a month before his new job's checks kicked in. So I sent him a $7000 personal loan to see him through the first month. He's *much* happier in San Francisco than he ever was in San Diego. That could be because he's simply making more money, but it sounds like he enjoys the SF music scene more as well (he's a musician himself in the odd hours).

I've been all over California when I was in the Army, and I liked Sacramento the best of all the cities along the coast. I guess everyone has different preferences. I definitely do not want to live there though; the cost of living is just too high. I can live quite well where I am, but my quality of life would take a big hit if I lived in California, just because my money wouldn't go nearly as far.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking to keep my connects where I am at. We have a good relationship. Is it hard to send weight through UPS? or pretty feasible, but at least knowing that one zip out of 100 will prob get taken.


Active Member
um, there is a shortage in norcal; any new grower will be fine. besides, the stuff i've been getting is total crap; hence, i started growing for myself.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I live In FLA and I love California. Im a college student and when Im dunn I hope to move to california. The only problem is the price. Not sure if you checked out the housing market but its crazy. house in FLA thats 300,000 would be around 800,000
Any part of california is right for me though but my dream would be to live in Sanfran.
Good luck on your move though man Hope it all works out


Well-Known Member
haha a lot of people out here are into hardcore >.<
i hate it.
but there are a lot of punk shows, metal, rock, rap...
its bomb...
i fucking hate hardcore
its so annoying
but yeah most of the people on this thread seem to know what souther california is like.
but you have to admit
minus all the shitty shit we got (all the stuff mentioned in the thread)
it is pretty dank.


Well-Known Member
one thing to say about SF is that it's pretty dense - which is good. it makes it easy to get to anywhere in town in one evening by cab without bending over too far. It also makes mass transit reasonable.

my impression is that the SF weather is better than LA or further south (too hot, air quality, etc). i don't know how it couldn't be - bay area weather is pretty much perfect as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
^ Yes this issue still needs to be addressed. How? and how hard is it to get? Wouldn't everyone move to Cali if it was easy to obtain?


Well-Known Member
I never liked Cali. LA or SF area. Spent about a month in each. Just didn't feel right to me. Maybe because I'm a New Yawka.

Now Washington and Oregon I absolutely *love*

But just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Well it seems that if I move to California, I will have to move to San Diego because that is where I can get a career lined up. So I guess my question is (instead of everyone repin' their areacode) how is San Diego's (1) cannabis cultivation law, how strict if this is a first time offense? (2) how hard is it to get a med card? (3) how is the nightlife and music scene, and it a laid back vibe? Thanks for all the input


Well-Known Member
Well it seems that if I move to California, I will have to move to San Diego because that is where I can get a career lined up. So I guess my question is (instead of everyone repin' their areacode) how is San Diego's (1) cannabis cultivation law, how strict if this is a first time offense? (2) how hard is it to get a med card? (3) how is the nightlife and music scene, and it a laid back vibe? Thanks for all the input
its pretty easy to get a card
just complain about something
the doctor will perscribe you pills
keep saying they dont work
and about 4-5 moths just say none of the pills rreally work without side effects
and mention getting a cannabis card and you should get one


Well-Known Member
Oregon and Washington are more for me too. I was just here for school - the reasons I outlined above are why I did so in SF rather than LA, so I'm not just "reppin my area code" - there are reasons I moved here, which have further been confirmed by experience. Anyway, back to the NW for me ....


Well-Known Member
cali is great to visit. but to many people in one place. you can't beat the desert in wa.


Well-Known Member
eeehhh, I half agree with you. Too many people - even when drive five hours to get away, there are loads of them there too. I don't care much for anything east of the cascades, unless the Gorge Amphitheatre counts.


Well-Known Member
um, there is a shortage in norcal; any new grower will be fine. besides, the stuff i've been getting is total crap; hence, i started growing for myself.

I was thinking to keep my connects where I am at. We have a good relationship. Is it hard to send weight through UPS? or pretty feasible, but at least knowing that one zip out of 100 will prob get taken.

Cost of living is all relative. Real question I have is how easy can you unload weight in norcal?

nono you dont want to go norcal,
You want to go to S.cali

Los angeles county, Orange County, Riverside County, San Diego County. Is where you want to be.
You tell 'em. We've got enough people up here that moved here to grow pot and are fucking things up for the locals. You can keep 'em ALL in SoCal.

Wouldn't everyone move to Cali if it was easy to obtain?
Yeah. They would. That's the problem.

If anyone's offended, go ahead and google "Mendocino County Measure B" for some evidence of how out-of-staters are directly fucking up MY grow.


Well-Known Member
one thing to say about SF is that it's pretty dense - which is good. it makes it easy to get to anywhere in town in one evening by cab without bending over too far. It also makes mass transit reasonable.

my impression is that the SF weather is better than LA or further south (too hot, air quality, etc). i don't know how it couldn't be - bay area weather is pretty much perfect as far as I'm concerned.
It gets cold in the bay, and in NorCal man!