Advice on how “cooked” these are please.


Well-Known Member
103 days from seed is a meaningless metric, as the only thing that matters, is how many days since you've changed your light schedule to 12/12.

If its 103 days old, but only 45 of those days were in flower, you likely still have several weeks.

From the looks of it, you do in fact need to wait a few more weeks, as buds dont look like theyve swollen, pistils are still white, and I'd assume if you looked under magnification, that your thrichomes are still completely clear as well.

When in doubt, add 2 weeks. And also, no need to flush.. flushing is anecdotal, and theres in fact evidence that it does nothing at all. You can ease back on nutrients, or stop them completely when your getting a bit closer... but no need to do a full flush on them


Just me, but i would wait a few more days. Looks like ya got quite a bunch of white pistils still.
I’ve read that there’s a different high you get dependant on how long you leave after clear to milky stage, I appreciate leaving longer produces more yield but I’m happy to have a trippy high rather than a couch out one. I feel on this grow I may of trimmed too much, but it’s a learning process. Thanks for your reply


Well-Known Member
Most people say flushing is pointless and I agree. I would wait 2 weeks to harvest that. But you could cut some off now and it will be dry in a week.