advice on first grow ?


Active Member
hey yall
im thinking about doing my first grow in a couple of weeks maybe a few months to make it the perfect enviroment im planning a little closet grow with 1 or 2 plants i think there either skunk or cheese plants for my own use and i was wondering if you guys know anywhere i could read up on nute defieceny or just begginer growing in general ? thanks in advance

peace :weed:


Well-Known Member
Advice: Grow Good!

Where you could go to read up on growing in general... Fuck man, I really don't have any ideas.. I wish I could help..


Well-Known Member
lol jk

Advice: Pay attention to everything, let the plant tell you what it needs. Keep to a regular water schedule, and make sure they get enough water without overwatering, very common beginner mistake! Make sure you put them in big enough pots to start, I would suggest 5 gallons at least. Good rule of thumb is a gallon per foot you want the plant to be, so 5 gallon pots would produce 5' plants, no problem. Regular nutrient schedule, I've personally used Fox Farm brand nutrients with pretty good results, I see a lot of people, most often the hydro growers, using Advanced Nutrients, also a good brand, a buddy of mine uses it with good results. Be extremely weary of pests! Once they start, damn near impossible to stop, so the key is to take as many preventative measures against them as possible!

Good luck on your first grow!


Hey Bud,

Being a new grower myself I found the a lot of the resources you need to do any kind of grow imaginable is somewhere to be found in forums like this or on the web in general.
I was also pointed in the way of the Marijuana Horticulture Bible - Jorge Cervantes... If you need to know anything basic and even some fun facts this book is loaded with information.
Watching other peoples grows, especially if they run a similar grow (space, soil/hydro, lighting, strain), is very helpful and you learn from other successes and failures.
Lastly, I feel it comes down to learning as you go because no 2 grows are exactly the same.
There are always other factors at work but just reading the signs your plants give you helps to understand what nutes they are lacking or have been overfed.

I was very general but I hope it helps and I wish you all the best with your plans to grow.
If you are interested at all I just started my first grow and I have started a thread First Grow - Tangerine Dream



Active Member
hey guys thanks for the feedback ive got the pot bible that your talking about just never thought it would be any use ill check it out and ill sub your grow mate peace guys ! :)


Well-Known Member
Watch the grow video by Jorge Cervantes (or something like that) from High Times, it's very informational. After you watch that read the stick "How To Grow Marijuana" on this forum, then use the search feature for anything you're uncertain of :)


Active Member
thanks Bwpz :) everything from cervantes is good as far as i know lol ive read a few books of his and im gonna look at that video now thanks a bunch guys :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man it's more like a movie xD Explains every piece you can think of, and between that, the How To Grow MJ post and searching for the few holes left in between I got it down pact :P