Advice on a Mag deficiency using tap water.


Well-Known Member
Well your nutes should buffer it lower a bit if your starting that high. So are you changing rez lots or are you just dumping in down every day?


New Member
Yes sorry i should have stated that, i have done a few changes this week due to there state. This is my 1st time growing and i dont have any local growers etc for help. So prob alot to do with me panicking this week.


New Member
By looking at the pictures and knowing that my ppm is so high with tap water, what would you recommend i feed them now to try and get back on track?


Well-Known Member
I can only see the picture on the first page, the other ones arent coming through like the first one but to me the first one looks fine. They have purple stems sometimes. Id be running a calmag supplement at one drop a litre but thats just how i do. I dont think 7-800 would be unreasonable for that plant. Id just keep er goin. Your waters really high ph out of the tap so its understandable why it wants to go back to being 7.8 again. I get flack for this all the time but i never use ph down. Ive run with water starting ph 8 and it drifts up to 9.5 in two weeks and the plant is huge and healthy. Like for me id let it go to 8.8 in your circumstance and then change the rez and just hope it took two weeks to get there. If i couldnt do that id switch to coco or dirt if i was moving ph points a day at a time and had to keep feeding ph down. So the only problem is the purple stems, and you said crispy leaves? Your not foliar spraying anything are you?


New Member
Can you not open the attachments i posted at the top of this page? Cheers for the advice, no i haven't been foliar feeding. Do you think it would be worth trying?


Well-Known Member
Nahh, cant open em. I dont foliar feed. I think its just one more thing that can go wrong lol theyre green as emeralds if your in dwc usually.


Well-Known Member
Oh, i can see post # 31 looks like they are canoeing a bit. Shit. I gotta dash i hope someone can pick this up for me. Ill check in later if i can but i gotta run.


Well-Known Member
Ok so ive looked around for you and you may want to look into too much light. They say overwatering causes it but thats not your situation. The other thing that theyre saying is too much light and too much heat. If your heats ok then it could be the light. How high is your light and what wattage are you running. They say if you suspect its a light issue to just pull the lights up for a couple days and see if it stops. Free at least.


New Member
Hey there thanks for taking the time to look into this for me, im gonna try moving the light here i have 8x55w t5's in 1 room and 600w in the other so ill give it a go here as you say its a free remedy if it works...temp always between 65-80f


Well-Known Member
Its heat. Tacoing is the most traditional sign of heat stress. I can put 3000w over my plants and not get that, because I have environment controlled. Just to say it is not too much light,Lol.