Advice on a Mag deficiency using tap water.


New Member
Hi all, i am having some trouble with a mag deficiency growing in a bubbler system, i'm using tap water which is stored in a water butt with air-stones and always given at least 24hrs to let chlorine evaporate. Water is still above 200ppm a this point.
I was using GH micro gro & bloom @ equal amounts Superthrive & Orca usually in veg trying to keep in round the 400-600ppm. I have tried a few things and just cant get rid of it which leads me to think it could be a nute lock. Anybody else have similar problems growing with hard water or have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Most nutrient lines need an added calmag supplement. You chould be running calmag already if your up to 600 ppm. I dont get the whole nute lock comment, whats your ph? Lock out is hard to do in dwc unless ph is waaaay off. Are your roots brown? How much superthrive are you adding, one drop per gallon or more?


New Member
I have cal/mag but was under the impression that it would be too much on top water @ over 200ppm which i thought would have alot of both in it. Superthrive just the 1 drop per gallon. ph i try to keep between 5.5 - 6.5 Set @ 6.0.


Well-Known Member
This just isn't true. You just have to add slightly more of the bottle in your 2 -3 part line that contains calcium nitrate. Or just buy calcium nitrate like me.

Cal-mag makes no sense to me. It's just calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and an iron chelate. GH flora micro contains mostly calcium nitrate, and provides a good balance of iron chelates as well. The Mg can be provided way cheaper with magnesium sulfate (epsom salts). If you really need extra calcium because of the RO, it's because you need to use more of the "micro" bottle (aka, the calcium nitrate bottle).

I just can't understand the fad with cal-mag.

Most nutrient lines need an added calmag supplement. You chould be running calmag already if your up to 600 ppm. I dont get the whole nute lock comment, whats your ph? Lock out is hard to do in dwc unless ph is waaaay off. Are your roots brown? How much superthrive are you adding, one drop per gallon or more?


Well-Known Member
That plant looks great. Find other pictures of that strain your growing and compare before you do somthing dumb. Some strains are just purple there. Some get purple leaves, buds, and stems, the whole plant ends up purple sometimes. Get calmag though, i like calmagic, its for hydro. One drop a litre and your good.


Well-Known Member
This just isn't true. You just have to add slightly more of the bottle in your 2 -3 part line that contains calcium nitrate. Or just buy calcium nitrate like me.

Cal-mag makes no sense to me. It's just calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and an iron chelate. GH flora micro contains mostly calcium nitrate, and provides a good balance of iron chelates as well. The Mg can be provided way cheaper with magnesium sulfate (epsom salts). If you really need extra calcium because of the RO, it's because you need to use more of the "micro" bottle.

I just can't understand the fad with cal-mag.
I use AN base nutes and always get calmag issues if i dont add it. But Ive never had a problem adding it so i keep doing it. I bought probably two years worth of calmagic in a quart bottle for 17 bucks, not that expensive ;) itll also let the guy know if his problem goes away that its what he needed and its liquid.


Well-Known Member
Are you even listening? I'm not saying he won't have issues. If his levels are calcium are too low, he can just add more of the bottle that contains calcium. No need to go out and get another product.

If it's not calcium, why even consider cal-mag? Why not just get magnesium sulfate? It's way cheaper and easier to find (drug store).

I use AN base nutes and always get calmag issues if i dont add it. But Ive never had a problem adding it so i keep doing it. I bought probably two years worth of calmagic in a quart bottle for 17 bucks, not that expensive ;) itll also let the guy know if his problem goes away that its what he needed and its liquid.


New Member
This is a few pics of my plants all of which are in veg at minute, i'm not at them now to give you better detail but the strain is big buddha's blue cheese.IMG_0975.jpgIMG_1010.jpg


New Member
I appreciate all comments and help here guy's so thanks in advance... I have epsom salts & cal/mag im just struggling to work out what i need, how much and for how long etc. I think my big problem is not knowing what is in my water :(


Well-Known Member
Forget the cal-mag and epsom salts. Just use the 3 bottles from GH flora 3 part, but raise the ppm a bit. You don't have a Mg deficiency.

I appreciate all comments and help here guy's so thanks in advance... I have epsom salts & cal/mag im just struggling to work out what i need, how much and for how long etc. I think my big problem is not knowing what is in my water :(


New Member
raised ppm levels last night (840ppm) and when i went back to them tonight the had dropped to round 700ppm and ph up to 7, also the leaves are feeling very dry and brittle. I'll go get some better pics for you's and upload them


Well-Known Member
Sure, that would work. I like useing a bottled product i get in a hydro store that has directions on amounts, id rather do that than guess how much i should be adding. Im not a biologist or a chemist so id rather just use whats got a directions lable on the back. ;)


Well-Known Member
raised ppm levels last night (840ppm) and when i went back to them tonight the had dropped to round 700ppm and ph up to 7, also the leaves are feeling very dry and brittle. I'll go get some better pics for you's and upload them
How long is it taking for the rez to jump to seven? Sorry for the tripple post.