advice needed


my plants have been flowerin for just over three weeks now but have all of a sudden stalled in development. havnt really changed in 3 days. is this normal ? am feeding with the right nutrients and havnt done anything diffferent


Well-Known Member
my plants have been flowerin for just over three weeks now but have all of a sudden stalled in development. havnt really changed in 3 days. is this normal ? am feeding with the right nutrients and havnt done anything diffferent
Not really sure what you mean by stalled development. Are they looking healthy? If so it may be nothing. It could be light leaks. If your dark period got f***ed up some how that could stall your flowering.


yeah they looking real healthy as i said i havnt changed anything at all. is it normal to get fast bud development and then for it to slow down


Well-Known Member
yeah they looking real healthy as i said i havnt changed anything at all. is it normal to get fast bud development and then for it to slow down
The short answer is yes. It depends on your growing conditions and the strain, but I think it is normal for bud development to appear to slow down especially as the buds start to fill in. Growth becomes less noticeable once you have hundreds or thousands of stigmas all over the plant.


Well-Known Member
listen to the doc... your plants continue to grow after you put them in to flower for the first half or so of the flower cycle, during 2nd half of flower phase you buds fill out and swell up. What nutes are you useing?and you haven't changed anyting so your ph,temps should be set. keep an eye on them


niceone. theyre both thai. big mothers with loads of bud sites all over. thought they were hermies last week but what i thought were pollen balls have turned out to be showing white hairs -happy days. what u reackon ? another 6 weeks ?


Well-Known Member
Thai plants can take a while did some a long time ago and it took twelve weeks flowering and i could if left them longer in hindsight,,are using canna boost ???never heard of canna bloom????I use canna terra flores,pk 13/14,boost,cannazym and canna rhizotonic for flowering.