Advice needed! Roots turned browns during germination (papertowelmethod)


New Member
Hi all, thanks for reading up this thread. first time grower here. fairly exciting thinking about it everyday.
let me share some environment information.

warm climate all year round 29-35C or 84-91F generally
goverment status kinda illegal here
humidity 75 room temp and airconditioned about 35-40

got some seed from amsterdam WW during honeymoon and started germinating it using papertowel method last week sunday 8pm
first seed pop 3 days later about 1/2 inch however there other 2 seed still nothing, so redo the towel to less ply
=less wight i guess, and seeds pop open with curly roots in 2 days

however my issue is the first seed it stop growing and turn brown, and i am guessing i drowned it :((
however i still move both into the rockwool presoak 48 hours ph down water. now its in the dome with almost 100 humidity and ccfl lighting 18-6 hours timed

please help


Well-Known Member
Hi all, thanks for reading up this thread. first time grower here. fairly exciting thinking about it everyday.
let me share some environment information.

warm climate all year round 29-35C or 84-91F generally
goverment status kinda illegal here
humidity 75 room temp and airconditioned about 35-40

got some seed from amsterdam WW during honeymoon and started germinating it using papertowel method last week sunday 8pm
first seed pop 3 days later about 1/2 inch however there other 2 seed still nothing, so redo the towel to less ply
=less wight i guess, and seeds pop open with curly roots in 2 days

however my issue is the first seed it stop growing and turn brown, and i am guessing i drowned it :((
however i still move both into the rockwool presoak 48 hours ph down water. now its in the dome with almost 100 humidity and ccfl lighting 18-6 hours timed

please help
Hydrogenproxcide think I spelt that wrong lol
Buy some look up how to use it bang should fix ur prob


Well-Known Member
hydrogen peroxicide helps.... root rot is a bitch.. make sure ur paper towels are plain white.... use tapwater ( chlorine kills bacteria) if your paper towel starts turning brown or feeling slimey carefully switch to new paper towel new water... ur paper towel should be wet not dripping shake it gently up and down <- (lift then let free fall and repeat till water stops dripping) to get excess water off of it... Do not use to much paper towels (ive down this believe it or not thinking more paper towels = more moisture ) and i failed... use two sheets on bottom and one or at the most 2 sheets on topu dont have to fold them if u do fold them consider one sheet folded in half as two sheets... u should be able to see ur seed thru the top paper towel... place on dish and put another dish on top of it like a clam shell... stick in a warm dark room , check on them in 24 hr increments.... u dont wanna check on them every few hours cuzz ur letting the humidity out ... if your paper towel starts gettign what u think is to dry slowly drizzle some fresh tap water on it to re-wet it ... if u add to much water tilt the plate let access water runn off ... hope this helps


New Member
Thanks guys weedenhanced and daloudpack

H202 can't purchase here. Sorry backward nation. Tried from neighboring country. They won't ship.:( any other chemical similarities to h202

Oh yes you are a savior. I have almost done your way. White paper towel. However I might used 2 ply instead so I might have drown it. And also the water is damp and not moist inside a ziplock
If this was the case is the seed still saveable?
I moved it into the rockwool today with the healthy one

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
u can try to re-germ i have successfully accomplished this 1 seed out of 3 seeds.. where do u live that doesnt sell hydrogen peroxide... its for scrapes , dirty ears , making science project volcanoes.. u should be able to pick it up at any drug store walmart , hell even grocery store.....h202 is the chemical value on the periodic table.... 3% hydrogen peroxide is the actual name of the stuff u want


New Member
I live in a not so liberal country. oh well I did my best searching at Marts or ace hardware even local suburban hardware shop to no avail maybe it's called a different name?

Tbh it's so backward here where they don't sell any hydro solutions like gh or those sensei so I have to make do what I have around me. I found a shop in my neighboring country that sell hydro solution and I hope that works for my dwc:-?


New Member
I'll keep you guys updated

My title is actually abit misleading I should have written more ops

Should have root turn brown during germination


Well-Known Member
mine have did that before tropical like i said just make sure ur papertowel isnt slimey , ur papertowel isnt brown , ur seeds and roots arent getting any light and dont touch ur roots , ull be ok buddy lettem grow if they stop growing then worry


New Member
Thanks buddy

I have transfer both into presoak rockwool( i am using the ceiling rockwool as I can't find the hydro one I hope it's the same as it does look similiar)