Advice needed on new Growroom! Temps!


Well-Known Member
Hey There Rollitup members i just set up my New
Growroom , and im having Minor problems that i need some advise on. Here's the setup so you know what im talking about. Im just having problems with the flower room the veg room is fine.

Flower room
2,4m x 2,4m
4 x 600w Hps with Aircooled Hoods
8" inline Fan pulling thrue all 4 lights (from outdoors to outdoors)
Semi sealed room (stil getting some fresh air thrue door.( using it as my passive intake )
8" inline Fan pulling thrue a carbon filter inside the room
9000 btu Portable Ac (one hose) i know:(
20 plants currently in week 1 of Flower
All in Coco and Perlite
Irrigation drip system
3 arrow drippers per pot
Strains: Orange Kush , Black Dog , Chemdog #4
Temps : 27c lights off (during the hot summer day) 30-34c the highest it has been during lights on at night.

So i know my temps are on the high scale of things and i dont know what to do , or if i should do something to drop the temps. Most of the plants are doing great the Orange kush and the Chemdog #4 doesn't seem to mind they look great but my Black Dog which is the most indica i believe of the 3 is getting a little warm typical heat symptoms no other deficiencies.

Should i cool down the room more , if so what would be a cheaper option i just spent a shitload on all the gear i needed. The portable Ac was the last purchase as my temps climbed to almost 37c when we tested the room without plants in. The Ac drops the temps with a good 8c even more during the cooler hours at night. So basically my temps are 30c-32c at most for mabe 3-4 hours at the start of light on and then it cools down. Still seems too hot for the Black dog's ,ive got 2 6" booster fans in the room just for circulation im getting a Proper oscillating fan tomorrow. Will that mabe help more? Ive also thought about adding co2 to the room as that would make my temps perfect and making it a sealed room wont be to hard , just dont have the cash for that setup now im done with week one of flowering as soon as i harfest in 9-10 weeks i can afford some upgrades so help me stick it out trough that. Thanks.

Any advise pls.
OK Your room is almost there man, for it to be perfect you would have to seal the room off completely. Put that AC unit outside and pump the AC fluid through coils inside an air mover placed in your room. Have the intake on the air mover constantly running and regulate temp through the AC unit hooked up to a thermostat so there is constant airflow. Have the intake to the air mover down low to suck all the cooler air in, through the cooling coils and humidity filters, and outtake up at the top of your room blowing thru a mesh cylinder that runs down your room dispersing the cool air evenly. Also have a CO2 tank hooked up to a regulator keeping the CO2 in your room at around 1000ppm with hoses feeding into that mesh cylinder dispersing evenly over the room with the cold air. when scrubbing the air with the carbon filter make sure you run ducting from the other end of your room to the fan to up efficiency so your not pulling in air that you have just scrubbed. You will also need a dehumidifier in the room somewhere and a couple of osculating fans to move the plants a bit.
That would be the absolute optimal and i guarantee you would have optimal results with that set up assuming all your other factors were on point.
Now if you really cant spend much more money at all for right now you defiantly need to either drop your temp or get CO2 into your room. So these are your options.
1.(My advise) Buy a CO2 regulator and tank, buy one of those long mesh tubes and some ducting. Either pull air from the other side of the room near the ac with ducting thru the carbon filter and then thru the mesh tube placed just above the plant canopy, that will disperse all the cool air from the AC along the top of the plant canopy with the CO2 that you are going to run tru it from the tank and regulator set to 1000ppm. OR just do the same with a separate fan placed next to AC and keep the scrubbing fan and filter separate. This will help spread not only the cool air right over your plants but also CO2 so they will be able to deal with slightly hotter temps.
2.(Cheaper) Just run air from the top of the room thru your carbon filter and then vent it outside. Do not do this if you choose to get CO2 as you will just be venting it all outside. i would also run the Cool AC air thru one of those mesh things iv been talking about placed right above your plants canopy. Possibly install an intake and run outside air down it too
3. Third option. is to install an intake and outake. you could blast both the ac and outside air down the mesh thing above the plant canopy. and have an additional outtake on the ceiling hooked to a thermostat in case it still get too hot.

There that is a few options for you haha, but CO2 is not very expensive and just blasting that evenly over the canopy with the cool AC air should do the job. Just please dont bother running any CO2 if you are planning on installing an intake or outake fan because you end up losing it all. That is why sealed rooms are the way to go and the first setup i explained is absolutly perfect assuming you are using cool tubes so it is a true sealed room as you would still be exhausting some of your perfect climate air if the fans were open to the
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Hey Gooeyhoney thanks for the great info im stil kinda lost with the first setup u explained but understood the options you gave me . . Ive decided on the Co2 and sealing up the room completly but il do that the next run as these plant are already in there second week of flowering so moving them now is not realy a option . . Did a bit of work in the room today added a intake thats on a timer so it only comes on with the lights and shuts of during the day as to not bring in hot air from outside during the day but brings in cold air at night droped a couple of degrees this way and im pretty happy with whats going on at the moment temps were 27c il have a look tomorrow to see what went on on the max min readings also added a humidifier as my air is about 30% so it was high tepms + low humidity humidity is sitting at 50% for now just want the plant to recover a little then il adjust it down a bit . Il have a beter idea in a couple of days just to get the highs and the lows of the room. All the lights are aircooled in hoods . . On there own inline fan , then ive got the Ac running with a exhaust outside of the room and now ive got the one intake thats bringing in fresh cool air at night . . I have one more question if you can help me do you think the Ac's exhaust is good enough for the room if i add another seperate exhaust i'l just be venting out my cold ac air thats what happend in the beginning of the build . . Just to be clear if got the lights in hoods vented from outside to the outside so they are not venting the room , then if got the Ac that is venting hot air outside the room and cooling the room , and then if got the new intake thats only bringing in cold air at lights on(night) wil that do?
1 fan cooling 4 lights sounds like the source of your heat issues to me. how many cfm is the fan?