Advice needed on grow.


Active Member
I want to do rows of 8X8 total of 64 plants. Four 1000 watt bulbs. I will go from seed femenized seeds only all Nirvana shop. All soil, SOG style. I understand watering will be difficult but I am prepared for it. I will use Fox Farm or PureBlend. Sound sufficient for a healthy grow? Perhaps a gram per watt grow?


Well-Known Member
As long as you have all your other bases covered it sounds good. Be very secret and careful, thats a big grow, and you are damn right about watering that, I do much smaller and I hate watering. What is your watering plan if I may ask?


Well-Known Member
i would,nt use soil for a big grow takes to much of your time and you dont want to be spending alot of time in your grow room just in case. but if you are growing it in soil get ya self a self water kit you can buy them from any garden shop or jus buy a flood or drain like sven deiselsaid or get any hydro system.


Active Member
I have two rain water barrels with hoses plus 4 ft watering spout thing that will reach. I have done 14 plant grow and the watering was cake. Due to some negative profiling I was caught. Cops looking for stolen property found no stolen property but did find my plants. Couldn't charge me with cultivation just possession, already have a retained lawyer as well. I know soil is hard for SOG but in the event I can't be there for a day or two or whatever I don't want a hydro setup going stagnant or over flowing or shutting down etc etc. Hydro is a risky thing to set and leave. Plants can do fine for quite a while in soil. My biggest concern is my light to plant ratio. I have had three smaller successful grows just none that happened to be this big. My philosophy is if I am going to do it again I need significant returns my first harvest.


Active Member
4000 watts for an 8x8 space? That's seems overkill. But I'm really stoned sooooooooo................


Active Member
4000 watts for an 8x8 space? That's seems overkill. But I'm really stoned sooooooooo................
dude it's one 1000 per 8X8 total of 16 plants per 1000 watt lol re read less stoned :)

Also odor control, cheapest most effective. Do ozone generators create excess heat? If so how much? I really don't want to do carbon filter with inline fans. Which options uses the least amount of electricity?


Active Member
Sorry, less stoned now, do you have vented hoods? 4000 watts will generate a shitload of heat. Sounds like you got it figured out. Couldn't tell you about your gram per watt ratio tho. I'm a med growert so I'm quite restricted on number of plants, and nobody gives a lot of answers on that question here. But I'd say if your utilizing your light coverage whilst still allowing airflow and not too overcrowded you should have nice yields. Granted all the details are covered and you have happy healthy plants. Just remember you want to allow for fully matured flowers, too many people yank early and the final two weeks is crutial, imo, for densitu and potency. I'm rambling... I guess I'm a little stoned


Well-Known Member
"Sound sufficient for a healthy grow? Perhaps a gram per watt grow?"



Little information, so little response :)

If you have 6 weeks on your hands I would suggest buying seeds, growing mom, then cloning like mad. Saves ya a lot of hassle with seeds.


Active Member
I wouldn't have six weeks. Only five months. Getting a house paying rent ahead of time and living some where else. Not signing lease under my name to avoid obvious problems. Going to have a standing AC unit sucking air from the rest of the house. Still not sure about carbon filter or Ozone generator. Luckily this room is in between a shared bathroom so I can ventilate this place in a circle with fans and the AC unit. Do Ionic breezes do much? Would one at each corner of my grow be good enough to remove odor? I doubt it but who knows I have never used one, but I am sure they will oscillate to strengthen my stems. I am not getting hoods I am building a big one with four holes, mylar and light weight aluminum sheet metal and hanging it from studs with a bicycle storage thing that I can use to raise and lower a bike for storage, go Costco! Using 3 gallon buckets, Happy Frog. Four 1000 watt HPS, two with dual spectrum bulbs, gonna try to rotate if I can reach em easily enough. Going to go from seed, femenized from Nirvana. Vegging for 10 weeks budding for nine cleaning house and moving in the last week. Five month project five month lease, sux if they force me too. Finding a better place that is in the woods outside the city at the end of the lease. Increase size and so on. Also on a waiting list to go to school in CA for cannabusiness so maybe one day I can Mr. Dispensary where I live. We are due up for another, bad... There ya go, get high and the words just come rocketing out.


Active Member
So I get all these post wining about too little detail I give you all the details and get no damn answers. WTF? Odor control, decided maybe three Ionic breezes for oscillation and air movement, and an Ozonator for 150. Will this fix the odor problem of 64 plants? With little to veg running about 18-24 inches is 4000 watts enough for 64 plants. I think that is 50-60 watts per square foot.