Advice needed for small Wick System grow

Hi. I'm trying to design a Wick based system for a small personal grow.
I'm aware of most preconceptions about ancient grow techniques, good and bad. I'm looking for advice from anyone who can lend a hand.

Thank You.
Drawings and Specs to follow..
So my area has loads of headroom, but little footprint.
I've chosen an isolated closet. 9' tall and 16"x24" area.

I would like to build the majority of my system myself. The Grow bed would be a fiberglass unit to replace the lid for a Rubbermaid container. Ideally I would like to combine DWC (for water roots) & a Feeding Wick for the food roots (in the net pot).

I'm only looking to flower 4 clones a time under CFL 25Ks.
Will expanded clay or perlite still wick the solution if fed into the bottom of a net pot? (6-8" of medium, netted bottom for long roots, 5/8 nylon cord)

Will the fiberglass epoxy leech into the plants? How long should I cycle before growing in the new tray?

Should I put an airstone in each plant section? or will one in the reservoir be enough? ( the plants will be in about 6" - 8" of medium, 6"x10" area {x4 plants} )

How many times can a wick be used ( boiling in water, etc)


Active Member
I have used wicks, and just started a new grow with them. I use hydroton, or small rocks in the bottom of the pot, nylon rope up through the bottom, with a zip tie to keep from falling through the hole in the bottom. Then 50/50 mix of perlite, and vermiculite as the medium. The vermiculite likes to be wet, and will pull the water for easy access via roots, the perlite will keep it airy. I hang the pots, 6 of em, through the lid of a rubbermaid container, I use th smaller ones, as I only intend to grow for 2 months, and they aren't going to get huge. Which avoids the only issues I have ever had, when the plants get big they can drink too fast, and 6 plants of size would drain a rubbermaid in a day.. So small plants, as soon as they root, 12/12 for 8 weeks, and you get to take advantag of that fast take off. They clone pretty well like this too. So I use 3 totes, on for clone, then switch one a month through 12/12. 6 plants.. 10-12 oz a month..


Active Member
Lol, as for your questions, I use 1 pump with 2 airstones, one on each res for flower. If you cut a tiny hole in the side of your tote, you can see when it's full, and just fill from a larger hole in the top. That eleviates most need to use epoxy around drain holes etc. Again this uses the stock rubbermaid lid, but if you have the stock lids, it's an easy switch from one to another, in case of switching out the res to clean, etc. Or if you want to put it on a big res to do dwc for the last month of flower. I personally love it for the first two months especially because wicks keep the watering just right. So all those possibilities of stunting growth are pretty slim. Reusing wicks? Never have but nylon rope is .22$ a foot.