Advice help!:)


Well-Known Member
I have examined all the ydro systems i can think of. Im sure the possibilitie are endless. I came up with aeroponic, fogger, dwc, nft, ebb and flo. What on gove the most oxygen to the roots? What one promotes the best growth? These are what i am looking for. ANy takers?
I right now am just frickin torn between which one i want to diy. :weed:


Well-Known Member
aero/bubble give the most oxygen to water ratio. Fogger gives a ton too but its a pain in the ass. Bubbleponics is a bit easier than aeroponics because theres less components but from experience my aero plants grow faster. Theres ups and downs to any system but if you want to get into hydro I would suggest bubbleponics first, a 5 gallon bucket a net cup (even a dixie with holes) and a cheap aereator is all it takes.


Well-Known Member
I got a dwc and make my own dwc everything now. I made a dwc coffe can cloner that gave me 5 clones with 100 percent uccess and i got a one net pot dwc and a 4 net pot with 1 big plant and 2 clone going. I also got an experimental net pot with rockwool as the medium cubed going that i dunk once a day to simulate ebb and flo. I examined aero aas to build and fogger and i understand and could do it easily now. I just lost. I was going ebb and flo all the way then i read that dwc is going to give better oxygen. That stunned me! If thats true which considering the source, FUCT, AL, then i will try dwc probably again ona larger scale using tire much as the medium. Then again that is only because it is so cheap. If u can scrape together a few more quid i will go aero or even fogger. Just so damn exciting.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
i have a home made bubbleponic system and it work awsome with a dookie big air stone,lol!

but honestly an ebb n flow(flood and drain) to my belief is the best due to the purging of stagnant air in the medium and fed at the same time then when nute solution receeds fresh air is flushing the roots. i hear with proper lighting it promotes major growth.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! That was major encouragement for the ebb and flo side of me. I was almost ready to give aerogrowing some more thought. I gotta decide on a medium. Probably rockwool and water once a day. I wish i could use tire mulch. With rockwool though i might as well save myself some money and just hand water lol.

toast master

Well-Known Member
Hey EH ... i see your kind of hung up on the oxy to the root idea.. all systems provide adequate oxy to the rooots or none of them would work .. sure some are better by a lilltle but its a small portion of your grow .. choose a system thats easy to maintain for you you... flood and drain is by far the easiest.. only one pump to mess with. medium filled pots give you stand by time if a pump fails... not so with the others.. drip is one of the more time consuming to keep going... always plugging up what a pain ... glad i switched.... so many other things contribute to a good grow , try not to make just one thing your decising factor.. good luck

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Whatever system you choose, you have to live with it. You have to clean it, work with plants, change nutes, etc. The system which waters the plants reliably without a lot of attention and is easy to maintain is the one you'll hate the least.

DWC aka bubble is not a method for noobs. It also has an Achilles heel in that roots are kept submerged and require a constant air supply. A power failure lasting more than a couple of hours can kill plants. There are air pumps available with battery backup- a very good idea if you go with DWC.

Flood systems with plants in pots of media are the very easiest to run. Can't clog, 1 moving part, each plant has a backup water supply in case of a pump or timer failure. Flood systems are the best choice for noobs, lots of failsafe and foolproof in them.


Well-Known Member
Lol, ty, all i been running dwc for 2 months now pretty well. I might have said, i got my dwc cloner, my dwc 4 pot sytem, and my dwc 1 plant system. I love it. I was just afraid that i was missing out on some killer works of gardening diy art. Like building my own fogger! Lol, I just found a ro shower head at home depot for 20 bucks and i know how much u like tapwater AL but i fig for the price it can hurt to throw on my shower head and do res changes in the bath! I have an extra 100 L rubbermaid i can do 10 in! Ty all keep posting


Well-Known Member
NAH, i cant use home depot web site, my computer locks on it, seriously, but it in the ro section of the store. They have faucets shower heads complete under the sink systems, i guess u dont have hd wher yu are, hmmm. It loks like one of the cheaper sink ones that screw on to the faucet, its not really ro its just a chorline filter that removes 98 percent of the chlorein in tap water. It only 20 dollars. It .s like a comact brita filter,hehe


Well-Known Member
I don't feel the claims on ro faucets are very credible. I work with ro machines alot and I know a true ro system moves water much much much slower than a faucet or showerhead.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
its not really ro its just a chorline filter that removes 98 percent of the chlorein in tap water.
mmm, ok, that's kinda what I expected. I have yet to see an RO sys that will fit in a shower head.

BTW, chlorination is the indoor grower's friend. Chlorination as applied in the amounts used by modern water treatment plants is harmless to people and plants. It suppresses pathogens in water while it is in the pipes on the way to you and will prevent pathogen growth in your res tank for the 2-3 days it takes for the chlorine to evaporate. After that, you must use some manner of pathogen control like H2O2 to keep your yummy nutes from becoming home to millions of tiny critters.

The concept of chlorine hurting plants is a myth. Some have argued to me that chlorine 'kills beneficial bacteria' in soil grows. If this is true, how the hell did I grow this 12ft tall cherry tomato plant in my veg patch, which yielded over 400 fruit?

Grown with tapwater straight out of the hose.