Advice greatly appreciated ...pure afghan flowering week 4

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Ya I keep my ph in check and moniter it every day. I added all those new nutes yesterday and was praying to not have to add a ton of ph down but I didn't have to add shit it was amazingly right at about 5.8 . Ill check it again tonite to see if it has fluctuated at all.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
The spotting and light chlerosis on some of the middle bigger fan leaves makes me think a had too much calcium from the calmag and maybe a magnesium deficiency. So I dropped the Calmag and added 2 1/2 tsp to each 3 gal res last nite.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So here's a pic from about an hr ago , ill have to say I was super fuckin skeptical of the snowstorm ultra and the crystal burst actually doing shit but wow. I swear they have double the frost and that's just from 24hrs. They also look healthier to me so maybe this shit will turn out after all.

I used the GH micro/bloom ..snowstorm ultra /crystal burst / Ginormous all from humbolt co. own and Hygrozyme and floralicious plus. Everything was the first time I've ever used it except the floralicious and I didn't even have to adjust the ph it was spot on and still is 24hrs later. I'm pretty impressed so far. Time will tell tho. Comments and advice are greatly appreciated. Good or bad.thx and Stay smokin


New Member
P and K meaning your Nutes my friend. You're probably using a Veg nute. Like, I use Biothrive Grow/bloom. My grow is a NPK of 4-2-2 and the Bloom is 2-4-4. For Flower you want your PK to be higher then N. So he's not talking about your PPM. He's saying bump up your PK nutes. As in find a nute with PK in it(that's higher then N) and feed your plants that. Or, if you already have that. It means you need to be giving them more then you are to get their P-K up.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Holy shit master yoda are u serious. Read the whole fucking post bro . Up untill yesterday I was using botanicare cns17 bloom 2-2-5 and hydroplex which is a bloom booster high in P and K it's like 0-10-6 and floralicious plus. Now as of last night with a fresh res change I'm using GH micro/bloom which tons of people use by itself and ginormous which is 0-18-6 and snowstorm and crystal burst and floralicious and Epsom salt, and he was def. talking about my ppms . I appreciate I takin the time to respond but fuck read the original question . Peace


Well-Known Member
Holy shit master yoda are u serious. Read the whole fucking post bro . Up untill yesterday I was using botanicare cns17 bloom 2-2-5 and hydroplex which is a bloom booster high in P and K it's like 0-10-6 and floralicious plus. Now as of last night with a fresh res change I'm using GH micro/bloom which tons of people use by itself and ginormous which is 0-18-6 and snowstorm and crystal burst and floralicious and Epsom salt, and he was def. talking about my ppms . I appreciate I takin the time to respond but fuck read the original question . Peace
your plants are already loaded with nitrogen, and using high P ferts is not beneficial. that's a very common mistake growers make and it's all the fault of the fertilizer companies. there is not 1 plant on earth that needs higher P thank K, in fact most plants need a ratio of 1-3 and less of P-K. Why they produce these high P ferts? because they're less costly to manufacture and they just market them. Anyway, I think you are adding too much stuff for an overfed plant. If you want to add N, add very little, and use that 0-10-6 skip the 0-18-6 and a little epsom salt. If it were me, I would aim at no more than 700-800 ppm of mostly P-K and little N. I also think it is too late to hope for a big harvest from this run, you're already too far into flowering, you could however improve it as much as possible and have a better next run, good luck

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Thank u man that was the exact kind of answer I was looking for. I don't usually buy into all the additive hype either I just figured it was worth a shot and they were free lol . Every grow is a learning experience for me and especially this one bc i have never grown with this setup durring the winter months ,and I originally built this cab to try out some auto flowers bc my cabs only 3 1/2 ft tall. I have a heater in there now and some good solid base nutes so hopefully these will be done in the next month and I can start over with some different clones . He's gonna give me a sharksbreath and a white lightning this time. As for the yield I'm just hoping I can even get an ounce between both plants. Hopefully thats not an unreasonable figure. That would make me happy . Anyway thx for the response man. Ill drop my ppms down a little tonite and go from there . Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So here's an updated pic from tonite. They're lookin so much better since I switched from botanicares cns17 1 part bloom to general hydros flora micro/bloom and my additives. They're technically 44 days in but I suspect they are a few weeks behind due to some cold spells and earlier issues with the grow.

The ph is at 5.8 and my res temps are at 69. The temp in my room is about 71 to 74 with the lights on and about 60 to 64 with the lights off depending on how cold it gets outside (external building) there is a heater in there but it only does so much. Hopefully since the res stays warm all the time the canopy temps won't kill me too bad. Anyway let me know what u think. The bud sites are actually starting to kinda fill out now with little false pods and im getting excited. Shouldn't be but maybe 3 or 4 weeks left. Thx for any input. Peace


Well-Known Member
I'm running damn near the same temps you are. I have every winter and growth on my normal strain is slowed by a few weeks, but time is something I have plenty of!


Active Member
You should get an ounce off of those no problem. They aren't seriously stressed or they wouldn't still be filling out.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Awesome both of those comments are just what I needed to hear. They were worrying me for a bit bc it was just a lot of white pistils and bud sites but no buds but over the last week I've noticed a big difference. Starting to get excited now. Maybe 3 or 4 more weeks if I'm lucky but I'm pretty patient. Thx again. Peace


Active Member
Being patient is everything at later stages of flowering. They swell up and put on weight the last few weeks(7-8. Then ripen. Depending on the strain it could take 8 or 9 weeks even 10.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Well my buddy harvests this strain after 8 weeks 9 max. I know my conditions are diff than his but I'm 45 days in. I figure I'm two weeks or so behind but if I wasn't I would only have about 12 to 20 days left. Since I'm actually seeing bud growth now I just wonder how much longer I actually have . Maybe a month what do u think ? Ill post some pics in a while when I go check the ph


Active Member
As long as it keeps producing I wouldn't chop. You will know when they start swelling and changing color. It just looks ripe. You should invest in a jewler's loupe 30x magnification. This will help you decide when to harvest. Trichomes will begin turning amber. If u chop early u can lose potency.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Ya I bought one from radio shack last grow. It's decent , and I won't chop early I've got nothin but time . Will wait till half the trichs are milky/amber maybe 75/25

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So here are some pics from tonite. Man I've seen a big difference in the last week. Looks pretty good. Finally got my nutes and ph worked out and they are really fillin out.I can actually see buds now instead of just losts of pistils, and the smell is unreal .My buddy I got the clones from drove up and said they looked pretty good to him , he said I had about 6 weeks left so we shall see. Take a look and let me know what u think. With all the setbacks I've had this time around I'm pretty stoked. Even if I only get an ounce or two ill still be happy. Thx and stay smokin. Peace

