advice from exp dwc growers please

ok im on my 3rd grow and amd moving to seattle in 3 weeks and cannot take my plant. so my question is as follows, i once heard that dwc makes plantzs finish a lil sooner then in soil. how much sooner if this is true. regardless the plants gettin the chop in 3 weeks finished or not. plant usually take60 days to finish flowering in soil. it's goin to only have about 50 days in this dwc.
ok im on my 3rd grow and amd moving to seattle in 3 weeks and cannot take my plant. so my question is as follows, i once heard that dwc makes plantzs finish a lil sooner then in soil. how much sooner if this is true. regardless the plants gettin the chop in 3 weeks finished or not. plant usually take60 days to finish flowering in soil. it's goin to only have about 50 days in this dwc.
not one person has ever grown in a dwc? weird i was hopin this site would be better then grasscity........


Well-Known Member
Ive got a couple grows under my belt and one of those was of jack herer, 2 dwc and 2 in soil. They were in the same tent and recieved the same amount of light. I cut them all the same day, seemed like they matured at the same rate. Flowering time is more based on genetics rather than the manner in which its grown. Regardless, you'll end up with some smoke, thc just might be a little underdeveloped.