Advice for upcoming deluge of rain...


Just need to set up the cfls in the beams overhead to be turned on in the morning. I happened to already have green Christmas lights strung up and I also put green cellophane over the main bulb so I can have light to work by at night without affecting the plant .

I have an oscillating fan going in behind the plant there. It's not blowing directly on the leaves.

I did some light defoliation too just for airflow purposes. Took off about 40 leaves all together.

So I'm all set for whatever momma nature throws my way over the next 4 or 5 days.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help guys.

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beautiful plant man, next time double or triple that container size and she'll reward you more than you know
course you'd be fucked if ya had to move it...
The forecast is calling for rain starting tonight and continuing every day through Sunday. Temperatures are expected to be highs of 17-19 (mid 60's F) with nighttime lows of 13-14 (mid to high 50's).

My plant is outside in a (very heavy) container and I'm worried about all this moisture. It's definitely too early to harvest.

My options are:

  • Get rid of some fan leaves for help with airflow (im not a defoliation proponent, but desperate times...)
  • Move the plant into the garage with a fan going - no windows - can't leave it in the dark for four days obviously but maybe at night?
  • Rig up some kind of a tarp system with clear plastic... doable but worried about stagnant damp air under that tarp
  • Do nothing and cross fingers

Any input is greatly appreciated. This will be the first major challenge I will have faced this growing season.

Thanks all :bigjoint:

I would put them in a small frame structure wrapped in clear plastic. Just don't enclose it 100%

Just need to set up the cfls in the beams overhead to be turned on in the morning. I happened to already have green Christmas lights strung up and I also put green cellophane over the main bulb so I can have light to work by at night without affecting the plant .

I have an oscillating fan going in behind the plant there. It's not blowing directly on the leaves.

I did some light defoliation too just for airflow purposes. Took off about 40 leaves all together.

So I'm all set for whatever momma nature throws my way over the next 4 or 5 days.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help guys.

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Nice looking donkey dick buds:hump:
beautiful plant man, next time double or triple that container size and she'll reward you more than you know
course you'd be fucked if ya had to move it...

I'm totally with you on that. I'm trying to be discreet though so this is probably as big as I could comfortably go anyways. I'm super happy with how she looks in relation to container size. I think I've really maximized my plant size : container size ratio. I don't know what size the container is but thinking somewhere between 10-15 gallons.

It would be nice to grow in a 30 gallon-or-so pot next year and top/FIM the shit out of it to keep it low. Would love to see what I could do with more root real estate.

Very curious to see the root ball when I'm done. I'm guessing that there's less soil than roots in there. It doesn't seem to hold water or nutrients at all anymore. I even poked some holes through the roots with a bamboo stake about a month back thinking that it might spur some new growth and get some oxygen down in there. In my gardening experience, a lot of plants are happy and do quite well when a bit rootbound.
I'm totally with you on that. I'm trying to be discreet though so this is probably as big as I could comfortably go anyways. I'm super happy with how she looks in relation to container size. I think I've really maximized my plant size : container size ratio. I don't know what size the container is but thinking somewhere between 10-15 gallons.

It would be nice to grow in a 30 gallon-or-so pot next year and top/FIM the shit out of it to keep it low. Would love to see what I could do with more root real estate.

Very curious to see the root ball when I'm done. I'm guessing that there's less soil than roots in there. It doesn't seem to hold water or nutrients at all anymore. I even poked some holes through the roots with a bamboo stake about a month back thinking that it might spur some new growth and get some oxygen down in there. In my gardening experience, a lot of plants are happy and do quite well when a bit rootbound.
man, I have TOTALLY rootbound 150 gals before outside.
on top of a sunny California mountain.
they tend to fill ANY size you give them, and the bigger the container, the bigger the yield
outside of course.
we are talking 12 foot plants with an average of 2.5 to 4 lbs a plant though
I've got some plants outside right now. Raining like hell yesterday. Rain today and the next two days, as well. They're in the ground so I can't move them and covering them isn't an option because that will bring unwanted attention. Anyway, will the heavy rain harm them in any way besides the possibility of fungus getting a start?
I've got some plants outside right now. Raining like hell yesterday. Rain today and the next two days, as well. They're in the ground so I can't move them and covering them isn't an option because that will bring unwanted attention. Anyway, will the heavy rain harm them in any way besides the possibility of fungus getting a start?
I'm in the same boat as you.As long as they are staked up to support the weight of the buds you should be ok.Lets hope for the best!!!
As long as they are staked up to support the weight of the buds you should be ok
They're growing beside a chainlink fence. So yesterday when I checked on them after hours of rain they were leaning pretty badly. I just grabbed some nylon string and tied them with an anchor string to the fence so they're standing straight again. Rain rain go away!
The forecast is calling for rain starting tonight and continuing every day through Sunday. Temperatures are expected to be highs of 17-19 (mid 60's F) with nighttime lows of 13-14 (mid to high 50's).

My plant is outside in a (very heavy) container and I'm worried about all this moisture. It's definitely too early to harvest.

My options are:

  • Get rid of some fan leaves for help with airflow (im not a defoliation proponent, but desperate times...)
  • Move the plant into the garage with a fan going - no windows - can't leave it in the dark for four days obviously but maybe at night?
  • Rig up some kind of a tarp system with clear plastic... doable but worried about stagnant damp air under that tarp
  • Do nothing and cross fingers

Any input is greatly appreciated. This will be the first major challenge I will have faced this growing season.

Thanks all :bigjoint:
I crossed my fingers checked today still no issues
Thanks Uberknot, ktmac (is that a Tracy McGrady reference btw?) and Thumper! And I'm with ya twostrokenut... I tried to flick that damn bug off my screen too.

So here's the setup this morning. I've got a 45 Watt and 65 Watt CFL's mounted over the plant along with a standard light bulb. I put a photo reflector above them to try and maximize some of the light. Fan is running about 4 feet from the plant.

So I'm in there this morning admiring my little setup when POOF! The power goes out. I'm thinking "shit... I blew the fuse". I go to the house and it looks like somehow I blew the power to the whole house! Strange because those lights and fan shouldn't be taxing the circuits much. And why would the whole house be without power!?So now I've gotta go check the breakers which sucks because I've got airbnb tenants in the basement where the fuse panel is. So I go down and knock on their door (luckily they were awake and up) and messed with the fuse panel but couldn't get any power. I went outside and started noticing that none of the houses around had any lights on. Haha yep... it was a coincidental power outage to the whole street. I'm a Dumbass sometimes.

So anyways, power's back on and my girl is probably not happy about the situation, but she should be glad she's not out in gale-force winds and heavy rains.

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Nice plant. That thing is a byte. You made the right move for sure. I just pulled my outside because of all the rain. Was only a couple days early.
Nice plant. That thing is a byte. You made the right move for sure. I just pulled my outside because of all the rain. Was only a couple days early.
Thanks man!

I moved her back outside this morning as the forecast changed but tomorrow and Sunday are expected to be real wet so she'll be coming back in.

Question though... "byte" ???
Thanks man!

I moved her back outside this morning as the forecast changed but tomorrow and Sunday are expected to be real wet so she'll be coming back in.

Question though... "byte" ???
I'm not sure what I meant. Lol. Autocorrect
How'd you manage to avoid deficiencies with such a small container?

I wish I knew the actual volume of the container. I'm guessing that it's somewhere between 10 and 15 gallons, so its not a tiny pot, but also not large by any means. I've found that nutrient deficiencies show up quite quickly in a pot this size, but are also corrected quite quickly if you stay on top of them.

I've found that diluted urine is a really quick way to take care of a nitrogen deficiency and it's been my go-to solution whenever I see some yellowing leaves. At this point in the game though I've cut way back on that and generally will just pick off the yellows when I find them as the plant heads towards the finish line.

Like I've said in other posts, I'm real curious to see the rootball since I'm guessing that there's hardly any soil left in there. It seems to be absolutely full with roots. It doesn't seem to hold water or nutrients at all anymore.
Well shit...

After all that, I found bud rot this morning. I cut off the infected bud but I'm afraid that when I get home tonight and have more time to inspect it, that I'll probably find more. Not sure what I should do here.

Plant is probably 2 weeks + from ideal harvest window but wondering if it's best to cut my losses and chop the whole plant now.

Weather is looking great for the forcastable future, but my understanding is that this stuff will spread and will spread quick.

Opinions and suggestions please!