Advice for my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Today is my 28th day and so far so good. I am wondering if I should flush my coco with straight water?

I am running am Black Diamond Dwarf star that pulls 230w in a 3x3 gorilla text. My temp hang around 78 to 80 and I ph to 6.0. Foxfarm Big grow at 3ml and Tiger bloom at 3ml and cal mag at 2ml.

What do you think?


Keith Stoner

Well-Known Member
I’m gonna agree with everyone else, good looking Grow. If I had a comment I’d say try to cool your tent a few more degrees. Auto’s seemed for me to grow a little slower between 65-75 degrees with 60%RH. That’ll help give the buds time to get bigger since you’re using less than 300watts in a 3x3 tent.