Advice for first time shrooms

Raw aint bad,, mine kinda tasted like sunflower seeds when i ate them raw..
Just tasted like fresh mushrooms pretty much. But to me when I was 16 they were disgusting. I like mushrooms now, but probably not raw. The mint tea helped cover up some of that potent taste. We had to talk to a cop a few times tripping too. That was fun, lol. Especially for my buddy who they had in the back seat for awhile, :lol:
you want someone you trust around thats cool. it brings thoughts that a good friend can help balance out. taking it alone is a little depressing. but about as risky as being black out drunk, some people can stay home, some wander into trouble. taking 7gs or more though, youll be frozen in place lmao. I wouldn’t do it anymore but when I did, you where either concious enough to channel thoughts or heroic doses will have you not moving far from one spot anyway lmao. enjoy it if u do, it really is a once in lifetime thing. I know people who micro dose but i suggest against it. a handful of times is enough and most would agree it wont cause you no harm, i know hundreds of regular ppl who done it lol. tabs are sketch.

Oh yea, an eighth is high enough to be half way in the heroic realm and half way in the intoxicated but still able to think and move realm. anything below is easy to do. strong strong booms considering, weak ones dont do crap. most ppl growing up i saw do one g then two some hours later and then quickly figure it out for themselves.
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Brusing as it is referred to happens naturally from breakdown inside of mushroom, but also where you touch the mushroom to pick it. You can tell a good mushroom by how it colors up where it was touched.
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I have yet to see a study to this effect. I have personally had mushrooms that blue in the extreme AND those that show only the lightest bruise and their potency was near identical. There is rarely a significant difference in similarly grown, similarly picked potency if fruit.

The varying intensity of reaction may well depend on the enzyme far more than the psilocin
Best shroom trip for me was unplanned. My friend kept handing me little caps all night and I washed them down with beer. Before long I melted into the couch and felt like the dust leftover in a Pez dispenser. I got up early the next day and wondered why all the hungover people were still sleeping. Life seemed better that morning. I felt like an observer of life on Earth. Check out the silly humans.
I understand it can be difficult not having someone to trip-sit for you when trying shrooms for the first time. However, I would strongly advise against trying them alone, especially if you're not experienced with psychedelics. It's always safer to have someone around if you experience any negative effects or need help.
If you don't have any close friends or family who can be with you, wait until you can do it with someone you trust. I asked my sister to help when I tried magic mushroom chocolate bars, and it went great. I hope you also find someone!
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Your fine. Just remove things that can get you going off the rails. Do it when their is no one around, it's quiet and you can be alone for 6 hrs. Don't plan on being able to even use your phone if your stuff is good.

Last batch I ate I could see right thru my phone screen to the pixels below and could focus on the actual screen. When I could all the symbols looked like predators wrist computer. I would say dont smoke weed unless it's been hours and the trip just isn't working
you want someone you trust around thats cool. it brings thoughts that a good friend can help balance out. taking it alone is a little depressing. but about as risky as being black out drunk, some people can stay home, some wander into trouble. taking 7gs or more though, youll be frozen in place lmao. I wouldn’t do it anymore but when I did, you where either concious enough to channel thoughts or heroic doses will have you not moving far from one spot anyway lmao. enjoy it if u do, it really is a once in lifetime thing. I know people who micro dose but i suggest against it. a handful of times is enough and most would agree it wont cause you no harm, i know hundreds of regular ppl who done it lol. tabs are sketch.

Oh yea, an eighth is high enough to be half way in the heroic realm and half way in the intoxicated but still able to think and move realm. anything below is easy to do. strong strong booms considering, weak ones dont do crap. most ppl growing up i saw do one g then two some hours later and then quickly figure it out for themselves.
Hate to necro this but why is it you recommend against microdossing? I used to in the old days take LSD and shrooms not regularly because access but often as I could. These days I do micro dose them at most 1.5 grams at a time, few times a month. Just curious
to say grams but not say species of how strong is quite broad , some species are waaay stronger !

Take 1/4gram-1 gram, you’ll know by 1-3 hrs if this is too strong. shoot by 30min you’ll def be flying

key is u can do more , u can’t go back if u do too much , trip wise. my preference is take 1/2-1 gram , take more of same amounts in 3-6 later. I’ve tried 3-7 grams but it’s like edibles for cannabis. too much isn’t fun?

tbh if u take a gram or less I wouldn’t worry for most people. I have epilepsy and I couldn’t get an exact answer if doing shrooms was gonnea be a major no-no. Well I did it at low dosage and it was if not best anti anxiety and removal of stress I’ve ever experienced. I have two patients who have mental and depression/anxiety based issues and cannabis did help but man the shrooms changed their life’s!

just saying, for rx at least in starting stages of use, take ur dosage small and more often if needed and know tolerance increased can be needed easily if over used . Why be wasteful?
to say grams but not say species of how strong is quite broad , some species are waaay stronger !

Take 1/4gram-1 gram, you’ll know by 1-3 hrs if this is too strong. shoot by 30min you’ll def be flying

key is u can do more , u can’t go back if u do too much , trip wise. my preference is take 1/2-1 gram , take more of same amounts in 3-6 later. I’ve tried 3-7 grams but it’s like edibles for cannabis. too much isn’t fun?

tbh if u take a gram or less I wouldn’t worry for most people. I have epilepsy and I couldn’t get an exact answer if doing shrooms was gonnea be a major no-no. Well I did it at low dosage and it was if not best anti anxiety and removal of stress I’ve ever experienced. I have two patients who have mental and depression/anxiety based issues and cannabis did help but man the shrooms changed their life’s!

just saying, for rx at least in starting stages of use, take ur dosage small and more often if needed and know tolerance increased can be needed easily if over used . Why be wasteful?
I prefer taking small doses, I’ve been out in space enough. I would have no reason to ever take more than like 2 grams at a time at the most for my purposes
Hate to necro this but why is it you recommend against microdossing? I used to in the old days take LSD and shrooms not regularly because access but often as I could. These days I do micro dose them at most 1.5 grams at a time, few times a month. Just curious

I didn’t want to even suggest doing it in general, more of a “if you must.” Mental health is fragile and no stranger to psycadellics, they go hand in hand. I would wait til it is safer like in OR. Where it is at least working its way into legalization. That itself changes half of what I would worry about. I tripped many times off various types of stuff and personally see the good in it but its just some real next level stuff. I have been watching states considering legalization or etc just curious how that plays out because I know very well what those drugs can do too unfortunately.
If you prepare your environment and your attitude you can eat about an eighth of cubes and have a wonderful time.

The only real problem is your internal assurance that you won't get "uncontrolably" high. The problem has always been "I'm in a nice place now but what f it keeps coming on"?

In this instance you need to understand exactly how strong they are and what your anticipation entails.

I don't like edging up to a particular level, it diminishes the wonder of the "rush" and makes the trip sort of tedious.

I would pick a dose, add 10 percent to that and go for it. If it wasn't as intense as you would have liked, enjoy it and wait two weeks, make the dose bigger and try again.
I didn’t want to even suggest doing it in general, more of a “if you must.” Mental health is fragile and no stranger to psycadellics, they go hand in hand. I would wait til it is safer like in OR. Where it is at least working its way into legalization. That itself changes half of what I would worry about. I tripped many times off various types of stuff and personally see the good in it but its just some real next level stuff. I have been watching states considering legalization or etc just curious how that plays out because I know very well what those drugs can do too unfortunately.
I too know how serious it can be…. But I guess know how I use it I don’t have any of those fears. I’m not taking any hero doses over here lol. Couple grams here and there, not for healing or any of that spiritual stuff, for fun lol I like watching big wave surfing and taking bong rips on a light dose. Good times
Hahaha i don’t even try to microcode at work anymore. Never goes how I think it will…….. and there’s no hiding it when I’m under the influence of shrooms lol

The mushroom has a way of getting you to the place you actually need to be. I have heard countless recountings of people who intended to take a museum dose or slightly higher absent mindedly munching on more or they miscalculate at the onset, or they enjoy that initial rush and seek to extend doesn't work and you just wind up higher than you intended.
Or you hook some down, wait 45 minutes fogeting you had a fat lunch and then taking more...coming on to the first dose five minutes later.

I never take more with me than I will eat at one time.
I've read some posts where the trips just went south so yeah a bit intimidating
Just make sure you have a happy and welcoming environment.
Bright colors and happy images.
Hide any decor that represent anger violence or death.
Cartoons for young kids are good.
If your religious post scriptures of love and blessing, nothing of evil he'll damantion.
If you think your having a "bad trip" remember that it is all in your head, and there is a reason your brain is showing it too you.
Resist your fight or flight instincts. For example if you see a "monster" don't run from it or fight it. Stand tall and ask it "why are you showing your self to me? What are you here to teach me?"
Negative trips for me where never seeing or hearing bad things but bad feeling that came from my mind hyper fixating on my current worries of my life at the time