Advice for a low-key first-time grower?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has some advice for me...

I'm a pretty amateur toker, only smoke about 3-4 times a month, never grown. Recently moved and lost my source, which is obviously a shitty problem to have.

Anyways, i was thinking the easiest way to get hooked up is just to grow my own shit. Since i don't smoke much, it wouldn't have to be that much, just a couple plants...

The problem? My live-in girlfriend is anti-weed. She had a douche ex-boyfriend who smoked every day and treated her like shit apparently, so now she gets pissed whenever i smoke up with my buds, even if it's only like once a week. So if I grew anything, i'd have to keep it in a private area about the size of a broom closet (a storage area which she doesn't know about).

I'm wondering what advice people would have. I would need just the bare essentials, but am not sure what those would be exactly. Also, i need to figure out the best way to get seeds to start off with... obviously, i wouldn't need many.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!