Adventure Time/Trolls


Active Member
Likewise. You seemed pretty chill and then BOOM! You started flinging insults like a master troll. x)
I just felt the need to make up for my incompitence earlier, I really just was to high to even understand half the things you were saying to me in my post earlier :p

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I brought up microscopes and was talking about hallucinogens.

You then asked what a microscope was doing. And obviously someone just wasn't reading between the lines.

Nothing ti back my words up??? I have 2cI I could put under the microscope right now. And I've done it MANY times.

You avoided the question and therefor threw in the towel. :) But it's a burden to have such fast synapses I know. :) C'est la vie. ;)


Well-Known Member
VERY briefly. i think. i saw a video. so it was there.

maybe the adventure time he was talking about was engaging trolls. idk.
The Adventure Time clip is just a metaphor for trolls on RIU, and what they are like. I mean at least the one I have experienced, watching that video just reminded me of the experience. So I said something about it.


Well-Known Member
I just felt the need to make up for my incompitence earlier, I really just was to high to even understand half the things you were saying to me in my post earlier :p
I don't know if he even smokes. I think he enjoys that we do and it makes him think he's winning.


Well-Known Member

You avoided the question and therefor threw in the towel. :) But it's a burden to have such fast synapses I know. :) C'est la vie. ;)
You didn't ask a question there. Even readin it I can tell right before tha tyou said.

"You don't have anyhting to bakc that up" Or something along those lines. Which means I answered.

And again.

Read between the lines.


Well-Known Member
1) Gotcha Troll = Poses a question or makes a statement that is inflammatory to lure opinionated people in who will post a contrary viewpoint. After this troll and his buddies argue with the person who disagrees with them, they give up, and their last resort, to save face, is to call the post "troll bait" and the person with a contrary view a "troll".

(2) Real Name Policy Troll = Relentlessly attacks the GooglePlus Real Name Policy, accuses Google of being "intolerant" or "against freedom to choose an identity", and will not listen to any other viewpoint. Exhibits a distinct lack of sympathy or sensitivity to people who have been stalked and abused by nickname and anonymous users. They get angry with the "you can't wear a Halloween mask to hide your identity in a bank" analogy and emphasize the fringe exceptions to authenticity, such as whistleblowers, people who don't want their boss to read their political comments, or those who live in oppressive countries.

(3) Reverse Troll = Keeps asking innocent sounding questions, in a nice way that is atypical for most trolls, but is trying to derail a conversation (threadjacking), or trying to get attention, not by being abrasive, but by acting dumb and needy. They are the reverse of a regular troll, who tries to get attention by being hateful, accusatory, and filthy.

(4) Concerned Troll = Pretends to agree with a post, but expresses "concerns" ("I agree with what you're saying, but what about ....?") that are designed to disrupt the thread and make people argue about an off topic issue or get them to abandon their opinion, due to the "validity" of these "concerns".

(5) Covert Filth Troll = Will post innocent sounding comments that contradict or mock what someone posts, but remains relatively mild and civil -- until you confront them with their true trollish goals. When you test them by posting "you sound like a troll", they show their true colors by calling you filthy names and accusing you of being a troll (similar to the Gotcha Troll).

(6) Diplomatic Troll = Acts like they are the only mature and rational person in the conversation. Will invite you to expound further on your views supporting the "intolerance" and "disrespect" you are showing to humanity by not agreeing with them. For example, if you oppose pseudonyms and anonymous users, they call it "intolerance" and "disrespect for a person's right to choose a fake identity". They will disregard your mention of there being exceptions, and will focus on the part of your position that they don't like, trying to make you look extreme, fanatical, or irrational. By name calling, and saying they hope to "win you over", they express their own intolerance and disrespect of opposing views. If you question an authority figure they like and voted for, they accuse you of being anarchist, or hating all authority in general. Their pseudo professorial demeanor is a disguise to trick people into thinking they are being sincere and seeking to reconcile, while they insult and provoke.


Well-Known Member
Aren't we all supposed to be stoners?!?! Why spend all this time fighting when we can be toke'n?
I'm going to smoke right now. But I bet when I get back there's more hate.

This wasn't for you @Crypt, this thread was to describe to other people what the people like you are equal in power to. And they can see it in the posts. You can't say anything meaningful, good or bad most of your words are pointless. About as equal to the approximate knowledge of the cat.