Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

you see it seem to me that people feel that if you give it the most intense light you can find and the best hydro setup that it equils dank fat buds and that is simpley not true.

CFL's do not have the danger or heat problems that HPS and MH have also it cost more all around to dissapate the heat and the smell with it also CFL's are self ballest in most cases and there are so many that if one goes out you dont have to shell up 150.00 or 250.00 or what if the ballast goes out what if either of them fail while you are out of town and you loose the crop if one or two fail then i loose a few lumens and keep on rockin again consider the fire danger while you are gone a fan can fail of trip the braker also they use less wattage and you are able to spread the light as you see fit in most cases instead of coming from a central location high above i will say in defence of the production grower large intense lights are a good and usefull thing because it cuts down on the doliers per OZ of production that in my opinion is the onley time you would need the extra lumens i my self will never grow more then 14 plants at a time i get around 3-5 OZ per plant with that light at 14 plants only geting 3 OZ per is still 42 OZ every 4 months what the hell will i do with all that and i am only using about 420-680 watts when you have MH and HPS you are stuck with on or two kelvin ratings and that is it with CFL's i can swap the kelvin rating as i see fit mabey i want to flower at 2100 kelvin mabey i like 6500 kelvin for veg or mabey i want to try 4500 kelvin for veg and see if i get a better sun leaf with CFL's there is room for discovery and creativity we know that all strands are not the same and come from diffrent parts of the world mabey you would like to plant all dark purple indiga and the next crop you want to plant a virgin sativa they have diffrent requirments for light and with CFL's you can provide that with half the cost just remember people that the higher you go in watts when buyin a single CFL bulb the lower you go in lumens per watt stay at 26-55 watts and that is the best spot to stay...................... here are the periods that belong up there disperse them as you please
i am using 10x100watts on 4 plants
is that all you have to write about what a wast of time and server space blow some green and calm down looser here are some periods and such put them where you please if you are so concerned about it.................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

I'm with the "looser".

Punctuation is your friend.

We are not saying it to be mean to you; we are saying it so that we can actually read your replies. We would like to read them...but it just looks like a solid block of poo. It hurts the eyes, causes cancer in lab rats and it makes your thoughts waaaaaaaay less interesting than if they were even kinda, sorta broken up by punctuation.

My two cents.
last frontier ur a phony ass cunt bastard. get the fuck outa here with ur 14 plants and 4 oz on each. and get the fuck outa here with ur googled pictures too, i've seen those pix before and they sure dont come from u. why is this thread even sticky, that phony doesnt deserve a sticky thread.
wow i only look at this thred every now and then but it always amazes me when the haters gather

did you (any hater) think i was writing this for you or mabey you thought i was growing for you

you are right about one thing though i do not use periods and commas when i type but i asure you i have not the time nor the intrest to lie or search google for pictures my life is full of great green monster plants

so hate all you want because it dose not bother me mabey if you spent less time hating and more time reading you would yeild better results and would not bother worring about me or what i write

i am going to harvest in about 3 weeks and i will weigh and re post so you will get 100% accurate numbers just for you see how nice i am.

O yea i almost forgot unix rules
You see, it seems to me that people feel that if you give it the most intense light you can find and the best hydro setup, that it equals dank fat buds. That is simply not true.

CFL's do not have the danger or heat problems that HPS and MH have. Also, HPS and MH cost more all around to dissapate the heat and the smell associated with it. CFL's are self ballasted in most cases and there are so many that if one goes out you don't have to shell up 150.00 or 250.00. What if the ballast goes out or what if either of them fail while you are out of town? You loose the crop. If one or two fail, then i loose a few lumens and keep on rocking! Again, consider the fire danger while you are gone. A fan can fail or trip the breaker. Also, they use less wattage and you are able to spread the light as you see fit instead of coming from a central location high above. I will say in defence of the production grower, large intense lights are a good and usefull thing because it cuts down on the dollars per OZ of production. That, in my opinion, is the only time you would need the extra lumens. I myself will never grow more than 14 plants at a time, from which I get around 3-5 OZ per plant with that light. At 14 plants only geting 3 OZ per plant is still 42 OZ every 4 months! What the hell will i do with all that? I am only using about 420-680 watts. When you have MH and HPS you are stuck with one or two kelvin ratings and that is it. With CFL's, I can swap the kelvin rating as i see fit: maybe I want to flower at 2100 kelvin, maybe I like 6500 kelvin for veg, or maybe I want to try 4500 kelvin for veg and see if i get a result.

With CFL's there is room for discovery and creativity. We know that all strains are not the same and come from different parts of the world. Maybe you would like to plant all dark purple indiga and the next crop you want to plant a virgin sativa. They have different requirements for light and with CFL's you can provide that with half the cost. Just remember people that the higher you go in watts when buyin a single CFL bulb the lower you go in lumens per watt. Stay at 26-55 watts and that is the best spot to stay...................... Here are the periods that belong up there disperse them as you please!

^well, I figure if thats going to be a sticky, might as well make it legible lol

thanks for fixing that for me i do belive i owe you a beer. why cant more people be like you and just fix it if they have such a problem with the way it was writen it save so much time.
If just harvested my first cfl grow. First plant was 159 grams wet and 54 grams dry. Second chopped yesterday, was 123 grams wet.

Hydro 200watt 2700k envirolite and 10 x 20watt 2700k cfls.

Dutch passion fem white widow. CLF's are perfect for my grow. Enough to keep me smoking free.

I've a journal in my link.


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so hate all you want because it dose not bother me mabey if you spent less time hating and more time reading you would yeild better results and would not bother worring about me or what i write

Well if ur ass spent more time reading you would probably make fewer spelling mistakes. Download a fuckin spell checker for your browser, because it seems like u need someone to do the spelling and wording for you, freakin illiterate. "Mabey" "dose" "yeild" "worring" and still not a single comma or period. Did you ever go to high school?

Post those pics or stfu. This forum is reserved for real shit and not ur misleading fake shit. I'm down with CFL's, I use them myself. Check out my posts, my one plant has at least 2 oz main stems and then a few more nuggets on the other branches. However, your lies and ur shit gets me irritated. How comes you even care that much that you have to lie like that? Are you a CFL salesman or something? You're one weird person thats for sure.
I'm thinkin of doin a cfl grow with all the lights will be 325 watts daylight cfls durin veg. Then the same in warm white for flowering 1 55 on each side and a 105 watt over the top and a 15 watt flouro tube along the back all this on 1 plant or if I double my sockets the 2 55s on all 4 sides the 15 watt on the back and the 105 on top that will be 560 watts I don't wanna blow a breaker tho :/ so I'm not sure I'm eventually gonna get a hps :)
Wow :) its funny how mad people get about punctuation and spelling. Shit this thread is about pot growin so I'd imagine you smoke it and idk bout you guys but when I'm stoned I'm glad if I can get a thought out without forgettin it let alone if its spelled right shit son you guys need to go to anger management!
Wow :) its funny how mad people get about punctuation and spelling. Shit this thread is about pot growin so I'd imagine you smoke it and idk bout you guys but when I'm stoned I'm glad if I can get a thought out without forgettin it let alone if its spelled right shit son you guys need to go to anger management!
So like 50 said if they hate then letem hate and watch the money pile up :]
i like cfls... i wouldnt use em when growing over 6-8 plants though... then it seems buying hids are cheaper due to wattage need.... i like them though cuz techinically they are cheaper, you don't neccesarily need ventilation.. less u want co2 exchange... easy to move around etc.... just my opinion.. not that it matters
hi y'all i just wanted to intoduce myself and say that i am very happy i found this there any fear that what u say can and will be used against you? peace out peeps.....
hey just curious

say im using cfl's on two plants
just say the lights are the shit and there's plenty of em
best nutrients and hydroponic

how much can i smoke when all's done?

'ppreciate the input
so were would i go to get a set up like this... i am onlygrowing two plants at a time in a space no bigger than 2 foot wide, 2 foot long, and 5 feet up. its in my closet. I have a dresser in there that cant really move. I am planning on getting some lights today but i dont know wich to get with the set up i have. People have told me to get a 250 watt HPS light.. what would be the best lighting with the space i have.
so were would i go to get a set up like this... i am onlygrowing two plants at a time in a space no bigger than 2 foot wide, 2 foot long, and 5 feet up. its in my closet. I have a dresser in there that cant really move. I am planning on getting some lights today but i dont know wich to get with the set up i have. People have told me to get a 250 watt HPS light.. what would be the best lighting with the space i have.

Consider heat problems before buying lights. I would recommend an array of 42 watt cfls and a mix of 2700 and 6500k in both veg and flower. Maybe 4 in veg and 5 or 6 in flower.