advanced promlems


Active Member
i've got 9 ladies and they are all doing great except 3 o my best and one of the oldest have started to grow leaves unevenly and the leave points are decreaseing. like the fan leaves under them have 7 or 5 points and the newer leaves only have 5 or 3 in one case. maybe my ph is off but i'm not sure how test or fix it.... please help
a grower in need
Rasta Roots


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, well they are definetely stressed out, that what leaf point decrease means. If you can give a detailed list of your setup I can def try and help.



Well-Known Member
some plants just do that even mine do that once in a blue moon and I don't stress them out but it could also be the strain that your growing


Active Member
I have 12 plants that all only have 3 points and they are doing good 1 week into flower.It is cause I stressed those bitches out by over nuting them.but they are starting to come out of it.


Active Member
i have a 175 mv on for 17 hours , there's a fan going while the light is on. i've been feeding the blood meal ever 3 0r 4 days. my 5 and 7 leaves are much bigger but they are also older. i try very hard not to stress and i thought i doing well. the strain is called "headlock" my dude devoloped it but i can't get a hold of him and it seems that the problem is getting worse with time. my light is a little close so i'm moving it to about a foot and a half from my girls.

thanks for the help

Rasta roots


Active Member
could small pot size do it? my mother is almost 3 feet and is still in a 2 gallon. she so the most signs of leaf decrease and its not slowing at all and one other lady, my prde and joy, was topped about a week ago. could that have to do with the problem? how do i check and correct my ph?


Active Member
i have almost the same kinda problem with my 2 plants. most of my leaves only have 3 points they just recently made a leave with 4 points and one with 5 but it looks heathy to me but it is my grow


Well-Known Member
Definately being pot bound could cause the change in your leaf structure. What kind of soil are you using, how long have your plants been in the pots, and are you using anything other than blood meal as nutes? I would certainly pot up your mom,and soon. HH


Active Member
i made the mistake of use outdoor soil at the being of this grow. i have use mg potting ever sence. ( like add soil or transplanting). as far as nutes only a small amount of bone meal. i'd say it is pot size . i need to raise my light and transplant mom tomorrow.

thanks for the help
please keep in touch Humbolt,
Rasta Roots