Advanced Nutrients

I've never ran the sensi I'm just speaking for the 2 part jungle juice. At 8 ml\gal just bases in 100 ppm water u will be around 800 nothing else added. So roughly 50 ppm on the ml. Bcuz there's 2 parts

The conni can't be measured w ppm it won't read correctly. They say the pH formula they use isn't meant to be measured that way and to run it half strength up to full strength if u need to. i checked just 6 ml per gallon one time a&b just tp try it and it was reading around 1800-2000 ppm from just bases before adding anything so idk lol.
That was whe

kyle kushman has his own veganic line yes. But before he came out w vegamatrix he ran Canna. He talks explicitly about is on his forum as well and even tells ppl if they dont use his vegamatrix that Canna is the best.

Second regardin u sayin that sativas need more nitrogen bcuz they grow longer YES THATS CORRECT. But most ferts dont have enough N in them because the ratio is not what they need hence the reason u need to supplement more N into feeding therefore THE POINT IS THAT IF U HAD A NUTE W MORE NITROGEN FOR FLOWERING IE THE RATIO WAS HUGHER FOR N U WOULDNT NEED TO


Furthermore take ur bs somewhere else u dont even know what ur talkin about and im not a pollock so idk wtf ur saying speak English.

If ur growing organics running hydroponics is not ideal. U can run soilless w organics with good results. Ive used the GO Box feeding program it works well. Never said anything bad about it, but its not better than Canna Bio or Bio1 by H&G ive tried em all and know ppl who do big runs with both. GO Box is decent shit produces good products never said it didnt.

And AN isnt strictly synthetic its a proprietary blend of organics and synthetics so idk what ur talkin about

Lol. Connie can't be "measured with ppm". Where do u find this information?! Cause that so far from true it's ridiculous. Can't measure ppm..hahahaha people
are about to rip you a new butthole for that one.
I've never ran the sensi I'm just speaking for the 2 part jungle juice. At 8 ml\gal just bases in 100 ppm water u will be around 800 nothing else added. So roughly 50 ppm on the ml. Bcuz there's 2 parts

The conni can't be measured w ppm it won't read correctly. They say the pH formula they use isn't meant to be measured that way and to run it half strength up to full strength if u need to. i checked just 6 ml per gallon one time a&b just tp try it and it was reading around 1800-2000 ppm from just bases before adding anything so idk lol.

Sense is around 55ppm/ml/gal. That's not good when compared to other foods.

I used the non-ph stuff in my Conni vs DG test. It was 60 and 80 ppm/ml/gal which is OK. But I ran that stuff at about 4.5mls/gal for each part bringing me to about 0.8 EC. It wrecked my plants. It's just a bad hydro plant food with it's urea and other water soluble nitrogen making up the majority of their N. Why not use nitrate N like everyone else? Hey, if you like this stuff, I'll send you the leftovers. Don't use it in hydro though.
Sense is around 55ppm/ml/gal. That's not good when compared to other foods.

I used the non-ph stuff in my Conni vs DG test. It was 60 and 80 ppm/ml/gal which is OK. But I ran that stuff at about 4.5mls/gal for each part bringing me to about 0.8 EC. It wrecked my plants. It's just a bad hydro plant food with it's urea and other water soluble nitrogen making up the majority of their N. Why not use nitrate N like everyone else? Hey, if you like this stuff, I'll send you the leftovers. Don't use it in hydro though.
Is it the original Connie with the cigar and ash tray on front? Or the new one wit the dog. The original Connie was fucking amazing. Then they changed the recipe. Fucking morons.
My last flowering room was done with a AN ph perfect three part nutes with one additive of rhino skin and three part fox farms, open sesame, beastie bloomz and chi Ching. Honestly I wasn't really impressed and spent about 160 bucks all together on one liter nute bottles of ph perfect three part. The Ph kept really well and never changed, my ppms never really fluxulated either. Which is great but other then that I just wasn't sold on it. I mean I run a 20 gallon res with 18 plants and changed water once a week. I Ended up using a little over half a liter of each bottle by the time harvest was up and yeilded pretty low but grew some really good medicine. After it was all done in said. I'll probably finish off what I have left of the three part and do a coco soilless mix again. I didn't think it was worth my investment but then again I only used it for one season. Some people have better luck with the AN, I just find it over priced for what I get from the return. So I ended up ordering Blue Planet nutrients. I find these nutes to be extremely good and very affordable. I haven't used in my hydro but I will be this coming week. I'll be making a thread about it, so we can see first hand how the BP works for the hydro. I've seen some great results with this stuff and the feeding schedule isn't crazy like the AN is.



Wow,,,ever consider putting that line in your Avatar pic?
Hi guys, I want to try Advanced Nutrients this time. I'm gonna grow in soil and I don't really know which ones
should I buy, I mean there are a lot out there. You guys can tell me which ones should I get?


I use Iguana Grow and Bloom as base nutrients.
Big Bud and Overdrive as enhancers
I have good results those. Only other thing I use is Botanicare Raw as a carb. I dont like bud candy.
Wow,,,ever consider putting that line in your Avatar pic?
I would if I knew how. I don't know how to do anything like that yet. I'm new here.
And for some strange reason, people keep posting my name and nothing else. I don't get it? What up wit dat?
Sense is around 55ppm/ml/gal. That's not good when compared to other foods.

I used the non-ph stuff in my Conni vs DG test. It was 60 and 80 ppm/ml/gal which is OK. But I ran that stuff at about 4.5mls/gal for each part bringing me to about 0.8 EC. It wrecked my plants. It's just a bad hydro plant food with it's urea and other water soluble nitrogen making up the majority of their N. Why not use nitrate N like everyone else? Hey, if you like this stuff, I'll send you the leftovers. Don't use it in hydro though.
U didnt know what u were doing conni was the bomb when u ran it was the original formula a few years ago
DA! oh yeah, english.....Yes!
doc, are u german, or dutch? im almost 100% czeck. my dad speaks fluent but never tought us kids..i have a tape recording of him talking that i kept for my son to listen to,,i like to listen myself as its funny how u can miss a like to learn but im to old and im not a good learner unless its a hands on typ thing..i think the first thing you forget is a persons voice, you remember how they look and never forget a persons smell, but their voice i think is the first to go.. ever get a whiff of some smell and its like an instant memmory?? funny how a bottle of jovans musk cologne takes me back to laying on the couch with my dad on sunday mornings wen i was just my sons age.. and the smell of a road killed skunk brings me to that first bag of real skunk back in my teens,,god i miss that smell!!
I saw someone talkin about chloramines earlier just wanted make a quick point about them.

Not all municipal water treatment centers uses chloramines u wud need to ask if they add those to ur water sources in ur area. Chloramine is cholorina and ammonia mixed i believe. Most place do treat w chlorine whcih is easier to remove.

A simple fix for chloramine in most cases without having to get anything crazy and treat all ur water before using it. Is to understand that liquid humate or liquid humid acids or any other high concentrated forms of humic acids can easily get rid of chloramine. So long as ur using a humic and fulvic acid product that shut do the trick.

Ive noticed many growers sayin they are feeding correctly and having issues w yellowing as such. That cud b a cause of the chloramine bcuz it inhibits and binds up other nutrients in ur water from being uptaken by ur plants. So when in doubt jf ur doing everything u think correctly and experiencing issues such as this try treating w humic acids and makin sure ur water isnt treated w it.

I know in my area they dont use chloramine but do use chlorine. Also r/o systems dont work either as they may at first but eventually it will eat up ur membrane in ur r/o systems rendering them useless even if u think they are working. bol
Hmm....PK would buy it!
He has money for all the expensive stuff.....Maybe we should!
I guess im just lucky i live in an area where u can still get 4k per lbs plus locally for premium grade medicines.

I understand its a challenge out west since alot more ppl r in "the business" i guess saving costs on the most important part of ur grow being nutrients is something most ppl seem not to understand. Id rather cut profits and spend more on quality nutrients to get the best than to turn a larger profit but thats just me. Cheers