Advanced nutrients?


I have a question in which I hope somene can help me with... I'm currently using Advanced nutrients w/ pro mix. Now I was wondering if there is anything I need to use with sensi grow A & B? I used it during veg w/ voodoo juice. Now I've switched over to Sensi bloom A & B, and I"m going to use big bud, overdrive and final flush.... now my real question is this, do i feed these plants everytime, I was wondering if maybe I should feed a minimal amount each time, since the soil has barely any nuts in it... is this stuff meant to give each time because of that, I mean other soils have some nuts in them I just wasn't sure? I"m starting them off slowly from grow to bloom, I was thinking of going feed, feed, water? And I was gonna use molasses when I water. I have read that you can put dolomite lime, perilite, in with pro mix? I guess it's too late for that now, maybe next time.... any advice would be helpful.....
1. Advanced Nutes has a website with a support line and they are very helpful. The funny thing is they are going to tell you to do exactly what the calculater says to do on their website. You should only hit your plants once a week PERIOD (especially in the pro mix). The reason is because every time you add nutes it bumps your PPM up to that level in the soil. Example: if you water twice at 1500ppm you'll have over 2000ppm which is the danger zone. THE KEY: Hit it with nutes once and water the other 2-3 times with FRESH clean water depending on how much you have to hit them. This serves as a TEMP flush until you hit it with nutes again.

2. Water until you start to see it start to runoff at the bottom of the pot. I put a half of galloon in each 5 gallon pot and it works for me.

3. I'm pretty sure that the Pro Mix only has beneficial bacteria and fungi, so this means you can start hitting it with nutes once the plants are ready to go into VEG. I'm pretty sure that's like 4-5 nodes when it's ready to go into Veg.

4. Use Carboload (molasses) once you go into flower. This shit works wonders!!!!

Hope this all works out for you. Once you get enough money buy everything on the calculater and you can't go wrong as long as everything is PHed right. Make sure you call the support line. It's FREE! Also, get the medical grow bible by Jorge. It's a must have for all the basics. Hope this all helps...I just spent like 30mins on this

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
pro mix has from 600 to 900 ppm of foods and will last for about 3 weeks before needing any other foods. it has microbial if you buy the one with it, says on label.
why use carboload when its just mollases. use molasses more pure and way way che3eper. its thew same shit, half a gal to 5 gal pot...not very much. and how old is plant to use this amount. makes all the diff. in 2 gal pots at adult age i use 1 gal water or food in each.
use a feed, water on alternating days. feed water feed water so on. make sure they dry all the way to the bottom each time. 1500 and 2000 ppm is way top much. full feed only needs to be about 1400, any more is a waste. they know what and how much to intake and leave the rest and this is why peoples ph drops out, using to much foods.

and deffinatly use the right ph. ph for soiless is from 5.8 to about 6.3. strain and room conditions dependant.


Active Member
I have a question in which I hope somene can help me with... I'm currently using Advanced nutrients w/ pro mix. Now I was wondering if there is anything I need to use with sensi grow A & B? I used it during veg w/ voodoo juice. Now I've switched over to Sensi bloom A & B, and I"m going to use big bud, overdrive and final flush.... now my real question is this, do i feed these plants everytime, I was wondering if maybe I should feed a minimal amount each time, since the soil has barely any nuts in it... is this stuff meant to give each time because of that, I mean other soils have some nuts in them I just wasn't sure? I"m starting them off slowly from grow to bloom, I was thinking of going feed, feed, water? And I was gonna use molasses when I water. I have read that you can put dolomite lime, perilite, in with pro mix? I guess it's too late for that now, maybe next time.... any advice would be helpful.....
Yeah, I would suggest calling the Advanced Nutrients support line.

They've been really helpful to me in the past. I think I saw someone else post a really similar question. You might want to look on other forums to check out what others have said too.


Thanks guys... that really helps I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out wtf to do with these nutes....I obviously have been feeding too much, my plants don't seem to be harmed, but I have had nute burn on my wonder why!!! I did start using molasses i'm doing something right! LOL...plants look good though and so I'm gonna cut it down and see what happens...