advanced nutrients vs. fox farm


Active Member
There you have it folks, AN is all about piggy backing on the sentiments of the decrim idealogues and pro cannabis cultists. Has nothing to do with botany and value added products.

d00d if u want the big budz you need every one of these trust me ben more money=better nuts=bigger budz



Active Member
UB asked me to post this here to share with everyone......

I am using fox farm nutes and not surprisingly am having nothing but problems. I would really like to learn more about plant nutrient uptake as you were talking about and learn what the plant really needs and not just what fox farm tells me it needs (along with the sales guys at the hydro store). First of all, do you have any good books you can recommend? Someone mentions the handbook of plant nutrition. Any word about that one? I am reading indoor growers bible by jorge cervantes. any opinions on that? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
UB asked me to post this here to share with everyone......

I am using fox farm nutes and not surprisingly am having nothing but problems. I would really like to learn more about plant nutrient uptake as you were talking about and learn what the plant really needs and not just what fox farm tells me it needs (along with the sales guys at the hydro store). First of all, do you have any good books you can recommend? Someone mentions the handbook of plant nutrition. Any word about that one? I am reading indoor growers bible by jorge cervantes. any opinions on that? Thanks in advance
I consider it a must have for any grower. Lots of good info!;-)

Mr. Homegrown

Well-Known Member
UB asked me to post this here to share with everyone......

I am using fox farm nutes and not surprisingly am having nothing but problems. I would really like to learn more about plant nutrient uptake as you were talking about and learn what the plant really needs and not just what fox farm tells me it needs (along with the sales guys at the hydro store). First of all, do you have any good books you can recommend? Someone mentions the handbook of plant nutrition. Any word about that one? I am reading indoor growers bible by jorge cervantes. any opinions on that? Thanks in advance
I know UB strongly recommends the "Marijuana Growers Guide" by Mel Franks. I am 3/4 through it and am dam impressed! I don't think Mel could've made growing any easier!

Oh, and I WAS an AN user with nothing but problems (AN 3 part micro, grow, bloom). But things should start looking up now :-P


Well-Known Member
I know UB strongly recommends the "Marijuana Growers Guide" by Mel Franks. I am 3/4 through it and am dam impressed! I don't think Mel could've made growing any easier!

Oh, and I WAS an AN user with nothing but problems (AN 3 part micro, grow, bloom). But things should start looking up now :-P
This is the book that I cut my teeth with. It's a bit dated (Maybe just the edition I own) but the principles are sound. I highly recomend this one for any grower as well. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
if you liked that book, try marijuana botany by robert clarke
I want to get it but I can't find that one around here and I don't order grow books online soooooooo............:sad:

There's also another book that's a good one to have and I can't think of the name of it. Dammit I need to not smoke so much weed. :lol:

Hemp diseases and pests, that's the one. It is by J.M. McPartland, R.C. Clarke, and D.P. Watson. :leaf:

Dr. Indica

Active Member
This is NOT a new product, you are a new gardener that has alot to learn.

Dyna-Gro is one of the oldest and most respected firms around. They were selling their goodies while Advanced Shysters was still messin' in their drawers.

You don't have a clue, do your homework. There is no such thing as "cannabis specific" foods, only in your mind. That is another marketing farce they use. A plant is a plant and does not require anything more than the 14 or so essential elements, which their products do not offer, even when you're manipulated and swindled into buying 8 of them to even get close to what one Dyna-Gro product offers.

Advanced Shysters understands the psychology of this community and uses this insight extremely well to their advantage. They are not your friend, they are only in it for the money as their overpriced watered down crap suggests and their sucker ads and label names imply.


Dyna-Gro is some awesome stuff, especially for it's low price:bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah man, book is hard to's hella old! but you'll notice mel frank and ed rosenthal got a lot of thier info from that book. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
click the 3rd link in my sig for my grow :] this plant is going to destroy anything any of you noobs have ever grown !!!! and I'm a newb to this growing stuff, but I've read and listened to everything Uncle Ben has said. I know how to recognize someone who truly knows what they are talking about.


Well-Known Member
click the 3rd link in my sig for my grow :] this plant is going to destroy anything any of you noobs have ever grown !!!! and I'm a newb to this growing stuff, but I've read and listened to everything Uncle Ben has said. I know how to recognize someone who truly knows what they are talking about.
Haha....yeah guy, this plant is going to destroy anything us "noobs" have ever grown.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol at imaulle...

Nothing wrong with being proud. and props on having a 1000w light, you're certainly part of a limited club- but dont get it twisted, it wont make your shit stink. You still gotta know to grow, ya dig?

That plant is not impressive. at all. Its a typical plant. A little streatched. Needs a bigger pot if its ever gonna explode and blow even a 'noob' away. Even with a 1000w you should take a closer read and examine different methods like lst, super cropping, and training. Also it would be wise to consider a more intelligent nutrient regimine. I understand you're going for cheap and efficent (ironic considering the 1000w). But you're not feeding any micronutrients and your orchid high nigtrogen fetrilizer is unhealthy for your plant and if not given an extended flush 2 weeks + will reflect in taste [especially in soil].

Ohh yeah and its bag seed... Sweet, been there done that- check my first journal. I've learned alot since then and have only grown Greenhouse Seed Co seeds since. Huge Difference. There's too much for me to suggest you to do. But what do I know, I am just a 'noob' who has read, seen, and chopped and cropped 8+ harvests.

Cheers, but its you who sounds far from sincere- throwing all your eggs in one basket and all your support into uncle ben. I've already given his idea's credence and am supportive of such methods. But your arrogance and bold claim that you will blow us away is pre-emptive and unfounded.

Best of luck. You should create a link to a journal. I'd be happy to sign on to supply more suggestions.