Advanced Nutrients Timeline

alan whittington

Active Member
umm what info is this supposed to give me besides product line lol i know this already stop advertising.
stop advertising? With all due respect sir, you need to clarify the use of the post before assuming that's what i'm about. i was trying to provide knowledge to those who need it not to people who already know! i prefer Home and Garden thank you very much! i just knew that A.N. was a well used line and that not everyone knew when to use it. this is a time line of when and what to use, the color key tells you what it is. thanks for stopping in! buh bye now.

on a side note to all who read this post, if you're looking for timeline/product use i am constantly searching for such bits of information and will willing look for you. just leave me a PM
Hi Alan

I messed up. I gave my seedlings some "Terra - Grow", which caused Nute-burn. I identified the problem, flushed the girls and waited for some green leaves to grow at the top. They were about 4 inches with a few sets of leaves so decided to give them a few drops of Terra-Grow once again.

It seems I've gone ahead and burnt the seedlings AGAIN...

When do I need to add my fert? I mean, how BIG does a plant need to be before it NEEDS to be fed nutrients? I was told the growing medium has almost 0.0 nutrients in it. I think it was coco.

alan whittington

Active Member
Hi Alan

I messed up. I gave my seedlings some "Terra - Grow", which caused Nute-burn. I identified the problem, flushed the girls and waited for some green leaves to grow at the top. They were about 4 inches with a few sets of leaves so decided to give them a few drops of Terra-Grow once again.

It seems I've gone ahead and burnt the seedlings AGAIN...

When do I need to add my fert? I mean, how BIG does a plant need to be before it NEEDS to be fed nutrients? I was told the growing medium has almost 0.0 nutrients in it. I think it was coco.
if you'll give me some more info i think i'll be able to say more. may i see a link to this terra grow, and maybe a pic of the ladies? and what all you mix into your soil and what you feed it besides that?
most plants i would wai 3 weeks or about.. a foot tall.