I don't understand the people that try to argue there's no way a fertilizer can be made for a particular strain. But then there's people that argue there's no such thing as a fertilizer that's specifically for MMJ either. I don't know how they think that, do they think that all the orchid and tomato and lawn fertilizers are all scams too? Different plants have different nutritional needs. Most of them require the same nutrients, but many require very different proportions. Try growing a plant in the wrong soil and see how well it does. There's no single "perfect" fertilizer for everything. There are some general ones that are generally pretty decent for most plants, but nothing is okay for everything.
Take bromeliads for example. There are all kinds of them. Pineapples are one kind. There's a lot of popular decorative bromeliads kept as houseplants. There's terrestrial ones, there's arboreal ones, and even within those categories there's a wide variety of dietary and environmental needs and requirements. Plant an arboreal one in soil and you'll soon have a dead plant. Same if you try to put a terrestrial one in moss and treat it like an arboreal. Many of them are very challenging to keep alive for the average grower simply because they're so finicky and particular about everything (especially fertilizers). And these are all just one kind of plant.
Why are they so varied? Because they come from all over the world.
Guess what else comes from all over the world.
That's right, cannabis. Different strains of cannabis are different strains because they have over many, many generations adapted to growing in different environments. Different soils, different temperatures, different everything. Auto-flowering strains don't auto-flower because some guy wearing a white coat genetically-engineered them to. They don't do it because someone selectively bred them to. They do it because the part of the world they grow naturally in required them to time themselves internally rather than going by the length of day. And then we bred that trait into the strains we have today. Indicas and sativas are enough different that it makes perfect sense to think they might have slightly different nutritional needs (which is entirely supported by science btw).
Look at us. Men and women - members of the exact same species - have slightly different nutritional needs. Yes, we can get along just fine on exactly the same food and vitamin regimen, but we do better if our diet is ever so slightly tailored to our precise needs. Our plants are no different.
Mom's geraniums, I totally understand going with whatever keeps them alive and blooming.
My medication on the other hand, I'm not content with "works for most plants" formulas. So if someone does the science to figure out how to better tailor a fertilizer to the exact needs of one strain that's fine by me.