Advanced Nutrients "Kushie Kush" additive


Well-Known Member

Straight killed my non kush plants within 3 days of application. Yet miraculously tripled the size and potency of my kush strains...

Crazy shit right here mayn...
For the non kush strains you have to start with 5ml a gallon rather than 15. As the sativas begin to show kush like phenotypes you can then begin a full strength application.


Try green planets Medi-One, they beat AN's full line of nutrients with ONE nutrient at the treating yourself expo in Toronto, winning the Cannabis Cup for producing the best medi kush! so pretty much...Medi-One grew the best bud using 1 nutrient and AN lost using 30 nutrients...Need I say more?


Well-Known Member
Try green planets Medi-One, they beat AN's full line of nutrients with ONE nutrient at the treating yourself expo in Toronto, winning the Cannabis Cup for producing the best medi kush! so pretty much...Medi-One grew the best bud using 1 nutrient and AN lost using 30 nutrients...Need I say more?
LOL You sound like some sort of advertisement...

I haven't heard of Med One before, but it's certainly interesting to hear this. Not sure I'm going to switch from AN anytime soon, but heck, you gotta give the other nute credit where credit is due...


Active Member
a guy used to come round in a wagon selling it years ago, it was called snake oil, if AN really wanted to take the piss they could run a new product called snake oil, and i bet some mugs would still buy it.


Well-Known Member
OK medione, tell us about your prize winning nutes. whats in it? is it just the one product 4-3-3?


Active Member
alright...So I know I am a newbie and I don't know anything about growing or medione for that matter lol but i was interested in finding out if medione really won and what it was all about after reading their post...and I ran across this video (after searching for a while) and watched it all the way through (yayyy lol) and I FINALLY found the winner for growing the best umm medi kush is it? forward to 3:50-4:18ish and there you medione...totally sound like an advertisement but good job at winning.


Well-Known Member
alright...So I know I am a newbie and I don't know anything about growing or medione for that matter lol but i was interested in finding out if medione really won and what it was all about after reading their post...and I ran across this video (after searching for a while) and watched it all the way through (yayyy lol) and I FINALLY found the winner for growing the best umm medi kush is it? forward to 3:50-4:18ish and there you medione...totally sound like an advertisement but good job at winning.
*ill go heads up with the medikush guy anyday (holler;)).... pfff.. magic in a bottle my organic ass :)


Well-Known Member
alright...So I know I am a newbie and I don't know anything about growing or medione for that matter lol but i was interested in finding out if medione really won and what it was all about after reading their post...and I ran across this video (after searching for a while) and watched it all the way through (yayyy lol) and I FINALLY found the winner for growing the best umm medi kush is it? forward to 3:50-4:18ish and there you medione...totally sound like an advertisement but good job at winning.
The secret to winning a competition like that isn't necessarily the brand of nutes one uses like the guy in the booth wants you to think, it's a combination of feeding correctly, genetics, environment, grower skill and good practices across the board. Standardize all factors and change the plant food brand and then you can have a discussion about the role the food has played.


Active Member
*ill go heads up with the medikush guy anyday (holler;)).... pfff.. magic in a bottle my organic ass :)
LOL too funny! But hey they did win...thats gotta say something...what nutrients do u currently use cannawizard? I am really interested in learning what other people use for if i want to grow in the future!


Well-Known Member
LOL too funny! But hey they did win...thats gotta say something...what nutrients do u currently use cannawizard? I am really interested in learning what other people use for if i want to grow in the future!
..umm read the quote below :) ..nuff said'

The secret to winning a competition like that isn't necessarily the brand of nutes one uses like the guy in the booth wants you to think, it's a combination of feeding correctly, genetics, environment, grower skill and good practices across the board. Standardize all factors and change the plant food brand and then you can have a discussion about the role the food has played.


Active Member
The secret to winning a competition like that isn't necessarily the brand of nutes one uses like the guy in the booth wants you to think, it's a combination of feeding correctly, genetics, environment, grower skill and good practices across the board. Standardize all factors and change the plant food brand and then you can have a discussion about the role the food has played.
do you think that because its organic it changes the taste and quality? I agree that it needs all those factors..but maybe the organics in the nutrient helps out? I am not too sure...thats why I am asking lol.


Well-Known Member
do you think that because its organic it changes the taste and quality? I agree that it needs all those factors..but maybe the organics in the nutrient helps out? I am not too sure...thats why I am asking lol.
Organic or inorganic and assuming similar environments, it still needs to be fed and grown with a high degree of skill, harvested on time, and cured properly. On top of all that, they're all growing different strains. Maybe if first place grew the 4th place strain, he'd come in last, lol.


Active Member
Organic or inorganic and assuming similar environments, it still needs to be fed and grown with a high degree of skill, harvested on time, and cured properly. On top of all that, they're all growing different strains. Maybe if first place grew the 4th place strain, he'd come in last, lol. it...thanks!:)


Active Member
The secret to winning a competition like that isn't necessarily the brand of nutes one uses like the guy in the booth wants you to think, it's a combination of feeding correctly, genetics, environment, grower skill and good practices across the board. Standardize all factors and change the plant food brand and then you can have a discussion about the role the food has played.
True enough. Some really good growers can do wonders with cheapo nutes, while really bad growers can do nothing with high quality nutes.

A lot of people are looking for the easy way out with nutes, it's true. And that would be awesome if you could use one thing and everything would be perfect. Too awesome.