Thank You. Glad to see that some understand that a "free market economy" is not "free" when the government gets involved.
Fed illegal laws and state attempts to "control" MM and now increasingly
"legal" all about
MONEY! The money that
they can make, not the public's. In Michigan it's now all about payoff's and kickbacks. One of the biggest supporters of the new laws on "legal" disp and the "seed to sale" system with big business growers.....Had the transportation end locked - before the law even passed!
I see some new Disp. popping up. I gotta wonder if the 10K non-refundable legal disp. licence
application fee. is a simple scam by the state.....
Here's what I'm thinking.
" These now operating Disp. are all applying for a Legal disp. licence. One of the rules to getting that licence is that You can not have an illegal drug felony "conviction" on your record.
Almost every disp. I know has been raided at one time or another. Even if they have not been raided/charged/convicted.....(Here's the rub)
They (the State)
will deny and keep every existing Disp. application fee under the guise of. "You are at the present time, operating
illegally by felony statute. So you are in violation of the legal requirements of the granting
of the legal licence to dispense MM in the state of Michigan.... BOOM! They now give out Licence's to those they pre-approved in the back room deals that got the transportation lic. locked before the thing was even a law!
I want to know just how many applications for each section of the new laws were sent in. I then want to know, just how many of those were denied (in the end) and while it will never happen. Who those were.......Bet I'm on to something! Michigan is just as corrupt as Illinois, if not worse........If you want something - make a payoff and offer a later kickback - You got it.