I just received Sensi Grow & Bloom A+B, Big Bud, Bud Candy, and B-52 in the mail. Still need to go pick up a syringe? <--- best way to measure out mL?
That'll depend mostly on how much you're measuring. Say we're talking about the Sensi 2-part and your dosing rate is going to be 4mL/L... how many liters are you making? 5? Measuring 20mL would probably be easier with a syringe. 50L? Well 50x4 is 200mL and that would be really tedious to measure by syringe. The idea is to find a measuring device that works within reasonable accuracy in the range you're needing it to work. A 200ml flask would be accurate enough for larger amounts, but for less you'll want a graduated cylinder, syringe, or something like that.
Ultimately though, it's not screamingly important that you be laboratory-precise. Decently close is enough. It's more important to err on the side of under-nuting than over-nuting and to keep the amount of nutrients you add in proportion to each other... again, within reasonable degree of accuracy.
I don't really know of any sort of scheduling with those nutes, if anyone could give me suggestions or something?
Like decrimCA pointed out, their website has a good calculator that I find pretty easy to understand but some people say they have trouble with. Their tech support phone guys are good at explaining things. For the most part it's pretty simple. Full dose of base nutes (the Sensi you have) is 4mL/L, and the rest - the supplements - are all 2mL/L each. But they're used at different times so you want to check the chart. For small plants you cut that in half, and for seedlings/cuttings you cut it in half again (quarter strength).