Advanced nutrients calculator help


I don't get it i put in 19 liters into the reservoir size because i am using 5 gal buckets for my DWC and it gives me ML values that boost my ppm to over 2000 ppm with the 5 nutes i am adding.

grow micro bloom
voodoo juice

Any help much appreciated...

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Active Member
if you have 5 gal buckets chances are u arent filling the buckets up all the way and actually using 5 gal. Try measuring the amount of water you put in and type that amount into the calculator.
What kind of water are you using? R.O, distilled, tap?
if nothing works, try adjusting the amounts your self and seeing what happens.
1000-1100 ppm is prob what youre aiming for.
Hope this helps
Good Luck!!!


Well-Known Member
I think you want to dilute your measures of nutes anyhow if they say 1ml per gallon then try 1/2 or 1/4 because the quicker you use them the quicker you replace them with more.


Active Member
sorry 1000 ppm is the range you want for aggressive full vegetative growth. what conversion factor does your meter use because that will give you completley whacky answers.
they are usually either .5 conversion scale or .7 conversion scale.
if you have a .5 conversion scale then in DWC with optimum light intensity you' want to start seedlings at around 200 ppm, upping them to 300 rising up to 700 and then to 1000 or even higher if you want to. Really the ppm is all relative, its just to give you an idea of how many nutrients are in your water. Your gonna have to experiment and see what works best for your strain/setup/nutrients etc.


hmmm when you say conversion scale i don't quite follow. when i dip the Hanna meter in the solution if its above 1k it will say 120 x10 and below 1k it will just give me the 3 digit number. I am making another batch of water today so i will try upping the ppm count to around 650 - 700 and see what change it brings in the growth pattern.