Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Powder


Active Member
Ive used the big bud powder for 3 grows, doent matter what anyone says it works very well!!! just went to the big bud liquid(ph perfect stuff) gonna give it a try. Very nice looking buds by the way. The bud ignitor works very well also.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Yes I am very pleased with Big Bud powder. Was thinking of adding GH KoolBloom as well.

I am smoking my first NYCD grow and its good as hell, average keef when grinding up.

Yes I have used Bud Ignitor, I was happy with the results.
Thank you. Yes I am very pleased with Big Bud powder. Was thinking of adding GH KoolBloom as well.

I am smoking my first NYCD grow and its good as hell, average keef when grinding up.

Yes I have used Bud Ignitor, I was happy with the results.
Huh, I really like Big Bud as well. Making me hungry to grow more........

Cool to learn about the Bud Ignitor. Haven't tried that one yet. I've only heard it's good. Huh, another nute to add. *rubbing hands together*

TGIF :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My NYCD has a few days left, she is so pretty, I'll snap pics before I harvest. The Superskunk is ripening nicely...she has a few weeks left...


Well-Known Member
That to me sounds like you still take fan leaves near the top just leave alone the smaller bud leaves. But either way, why remove any fan leaves unless you need air circulation? It does no good and might do harm. If you really think you get a bigger yield, explain what mechanism you think the plant uses? Any rationale should be able to be backed up by known botanical facts. Not just because you started trying it and noticed a bigger yield because unless you have very good logs, you probably didn't take in all of the possible variables. The facts are that leaves are a storage of energy and carbohydrate building blocks. Removing them takes away the energy the plant can tap into during its last days of living and can use that energy more efficiently than the anything gained at the root.

I'm not in here to continue this argument with you either, so sorry for bringing it up. But this forum is to help people and make sure others reading these disagreements have enough information to research things and make their own, hopefully correct decision. I don't think anyone should take anyone's word here, no matter what their post count or claim how long they have been growing. It does tend to shake out the ones that consistently right will rise to the top.

I am merely curious what you think is happening inside the plant to increase your yield when you remove them.
It can and does help if you are in a cramped SOG grow looking for max yield in your space. You dont want a bunch of large fan leaves shading bud spots. Even Ed Rosenthal agrees with this. I wouldnt take his word for it so I tried it myself and sure enough yields and larger bud quality was better by a decent amount. Key is to leave all the fan leaves totally alone for the first 3 weeks of bloom then hack away at the fan leaves. The plants use the fan leaves mostly in veg and early flower. After that there ae plenty of other small leaves to give it what it needs.

BTW I use Big Bud as well and it works very well IMO.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow! I see what you mean, maybe touch them later on...I just dont mess with nature... This is medicine for me, so potency and quality is my goal.

I have a variety of plants flowering right now...not really SOG, my plants are roughtly 4, 5 and 6 feet tall, have to start bending them and tieing them down to keep them under the lights....

this grow I messed up, was so eager and popped a lot of seeds.....wasnt thinking....have plants vegging that are huge...

My next strain is Medjuana, supposedly 25% THC, pain medicine...can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to have lagged but your buds look awesome so far. Big buds does work, and molasses for the myco herd is also a good bet. I have had problems keeping some of my myco herd from fruiting when having molasses its pretty awesome to see a nice symbiosis.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to have lagged but your buds look awesome so far. Big buds does work, and molasses for the myco herd is also a good bet. I have had problems keeping some of my myco herd from fruiting when having molasses its pretty awesome to see a nice symbiosis.
Thanks! 2 days left on NYCD and about a week on the Super Skunk, she isnt skunky...but more disely....again, clone was given to me...

I use AN Bud Candy, which has molasses in it. Bud Candy is for Aroma and Flavor....also has carbs for my girls in their last days.....


Well-Known Member
I am not meaning to lecture but the carbs are not for your girls, they are for the fungi and bacteria that will in the end help feed your girls. Your girls produce all their own carbohydrates on their own fine. Fungi and bacteria which have similar needs to ourselves would love the carbs how ever and freak out which will help them to digest things within the rootzone and feed them to your plant.

My skunk smells exactly like super skunk but it has never smelled like a skunk to me. It has one of the sweetest smells I can think of and reminds me of some fruity pebbles with a lemon bite.


Well-Known Member
I am not meaning to lecture but the carbs are not for your girls, they are for the fungi and bacteria that will in the end help feed your girls. Your girls produce all their own carbohydrates on their own fine. Fungi and bacteria which have similar needs to ourselves would love the carbs how ever and freak out which will help them to digest things within the rootzone and feed them to your plant.

My skunk smells exactly like super skunk but it has never smelled like a skunk to me. It has one of the sweetest smells I can think of and reminds me of some fruity pebbles with a lemon bite.
Nice, thanks for the info....

then thats what mine smells like.....fruity pebbles with a hint of spice
hey guys let me know what you think about the nutrients that i have been using for my veg stage.
I have been mixing all these nutrients in water cal-mag, superthrive, aqua shield, hydrozen and pure blend. Let me know what you think... I havent had really any big problem with it so far.