Advanced Nutrients - adding more to the rez


Active Member
I know you have to add micro first, so what Ive been doing is when the bitches gobble up all that water/nutes, Ill add like 8 gallons of tap to the rez, stir it good, then 2 potent gallons of advanced nutrients. It made sense to me that this is fine.

But is it?

if not, wow, after just reading its made for 1 week rez changes, i feel like im going to be working double time. Except, Ive been doing it my way so far, and I feel like I run lean on PPM(even tho i hydgrozyme), and everything looks perf (3 week rez changes too).


Active Member
look at me, im the richest guy on this forum. seems im the only one that can afford Advanced Nutrients. Yeap, this extra 20 i spend is luxury, noone else has what I have. Micro, Grow and Bloom. Advanced Nutes, rarest hydroponics nutrients ever.



I like your avatar. How are you liking the advanced nute line so far? How has the ph been? Been thinking about making a change next grow.


Active Member
I adjust PH just like every other shlub. I always know im gonna use Down, so Ill mix everything realy well, and on fresh nute solution, ill just squirt a full eyedropper in there as default. I love AN - because they are proven. I used them on a 4x4 box, soil, 1000w/cooled grow after vegging those plants with Miracle grow and I still got a pound of dank.

Also, AN apparently is made where it can be absorbed within a higher pH range. Most ppl on here could easily consider me a n00b, but I havent had any pH issue since going with hydro except for when I was using tubs that light could get through.


Active Member
Its not that I cant afford to use AN, just prefer House and Garden products with a few others that I add in. I am really interested in the Advanced Nutrients "PH Perfect" line up of nutes but I cant seem to get any real solid info from the AN reps that come to my hydro store. I dont like the shadyness of the reps here they dont really tell you why theyre changing theyre products. House and garden's root excelerator is the best hands down, the owner of AN even admits it. House and Garden is a proven product for me and everytime I change something out it fails. Everyone grows different though and different products might be better in different situations. This is mine I might do a crop of all AN line up just to prove that Im right. My girls absorb 5 gallons a day and mostly in water wieght, which means when my rezzy is low, the PPM climb super high, well over what my meter will read(2000). This will cause a nutrient burn for me. I will add RO and top off every rezzy with RO water(every other day), then check PPM again and it will be back to where it was before the thirsty bitches got to it. This runs them lean of nutes which seems to help flush out excess salt and prevent root lockout. good luck and hope to see some nice budds soon.