Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!


Ill get one today, I thought a PPM meter wasnt needed in soil grows, im adding the right nutes per gallon, PH levels are right, lighting, temp humidity is all where it should be.


Active Member
You people are FRIED... Advanced is the best hands down... Learn how to grow. And when you ask questions, take the answers... Go get a Truncheon to test your PPM's, and a little trial and error wont hurt


Well-Known Member
Ill get one today, I thought a PPM meter wasnt needed in soil grows, im adding the right nutes per gallon, PH levels are right, lighting, temp humidity is all where it should be.
Your using the meter for your nutes before you feed the plants, that way you know how much your giving them. There's nothing wrong with Advanced Nutrients as stated but you should get a feeding schedule and carefully read it. A PPM will save you tons of problems until you get it down pat and don't need the meter anymore.