adrianvasquez1985 Vs Chimpy!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 little sprouts today! Yay!

I threw in the rest of the NL seeds I have... so I'm waiting on 9 more. But I'm not sure if any of those are good. Waiting to see......


Well-Known Member
i got 4 lil gals(i hope) LoL.... the other 4 didnt germinate... my lil plants look so healty... LoL... omg. my precious. omg . ya i have 4 plants now, im not gona ger.. more seeds thats it for me all i want is 2 gals.. im gona get pics tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
No more MG Organic for me. Found some Black Gold in town. I will wait till I transplant to switch it though, not gonna mess with the babies. Gonna plant a new germ here in a bit though, so we will compare the differences...:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok here are some pics of my gals n my box.. i also change the light set up from 8 to 4 light bulbs.. i will get some y in like 2 weeks..

after putting the plastic door in my box the temp went from 75 to 85...

this is my precious....



Well-Known Member
It might be too high... just wait until the seedlings get higher and closer to the lights... leaves might burn.


Well-Known Member
haha this is like 4 grow journals in one.

I'm not gonna post pics of my setup because it's in my journal already. I'm using 3 42 watts, 3 23 watts, and 2 48" 40 watt flourescent tubes, although we might add to that. MG potting soil. Yeast/sugar CO2 production. Might get a carbon filter here soon because our flowering girl is about to get stinky. Once we harvest her we'll move the clones and seedlings into the Homebox.
LoL WTF??? Why don't you just get a decent light instead. I'm sure you can get a good one for 100-150 bucks. You guys crack me up. My money is on whoever gets fed up with their lights and puts up the money for a grow light first.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LoL WTF??? Why don't you just get a decent light instead. I'm sure you can get a good one for 100-150 bucks. You guys crack me up. My money is on whoever gets fed up with their lights and puts up the money for a grow light first.:blsmoke:
400 watt MH / HPS will show up on an aerial infrared scan... 10x 23 watt CFLs (that are spread out) won't :-P


Well-Known Member
he was high... Lol... i get all paranoid when im high... last night i went to lseep until 1am cuz i thought police was coming to get my plants.. i was all scared..
Oh man, I feel ya, bro. It never gets better either. I've been growing going on two years now and I still have nightmares of the police raiding my house. It sucks, I wake up all sweaty, scared to death. Yeah, I guess growing will make ya paranoid.


Well-Known Member
Switch lights, you lose. I'd take your

Here's a couple pics, not much to look at just some sprouts. The first is starting good, the second is the Planted the second pic first. Third hasn't sprouted yet. Also got another light fixture. On sale at HD for $5. Figured I could find a use for it. Soil ph 6.8, watering with tap water adjusted to 6.2. I bought my first nutes yesterday. When I got the new soil, The nursery had one bottle of FF Tiger Bloom, so I can put that away for awhile. Still trying to find a good Veg nute here in BFE.:peace:



Well-Known Member
hey guys post pics of guys gals.... my gals r not that big.. but they looked healthy im gona take pics tomorrow, i need a secord, third opinion... n maybe some tips on how to improve my grow method... my biggest one is about 1.5 inch...


Well-Known Member
Today I built the kids a new home. Bought a plastic 2 door cab, 2 bathroom fans and a bunch of wiring. Needless to say it is slick. I can raise the shelf as needed for light adjustment, and will reuse my old fixture for side lighting later. The bathroom fans are kick ass. One in the bottom on the inside sucking in, and one on top sucking out with a duct to hook up my carbon filter I'm building. The whole setup cost me about $60, but I think its well worth it. Everything wired inside through boxes, looks nice and clean once I finish tying everything up inside, only one cord on the outside. The plants are doing ok, my biggest started praying today, think it just wanted water, we'll see.