citation required.Suffering memory lapses?
Yes, but what has that got to do with it? If they oppose it because it doesn't include lollipops, they still oppose it.You do realize that some where against ACA because of the lack of the single payer
You mean like "you won't have to give up your doctor" or "you'll save $2500 a year"? The platform he ran on wasn't what he delivered.have you ever heard of "platform"?
you mentioned 60% were not for was saying that lack of single payer skewed the pollsYes, but what has that got to do with it? If they oppose it because it doesn't include lollipops, they still oppose it.
I omitted nothing. Pretending opposition somehow doesn't count when a liberal states it is both asinine and a lie. I resent a liar like you having the audacity to pretend I lied. Tell us more how Schumer never made the statements we all saw on the loves to omit. omission = lying
I kind of like maddow, but I have a disagreement with her. What is your opinion, on the following?class act all the way:
[video=youtube;6pAfyBXBcXQ] zF2Cl3sTb[/video]
EDIT: MSNBC corrects itself all the time.
When did you ask that? If I did, you'd be in prison right now for lying on your food stamp application. So, no, you are not didn't answer my work for the IRS don't you..amiright?
This is your response to my statement? Changing the subject? You're still wrong, even if I did work for the IRS. Which I don' didn't answer my work for the IRS don't you..amiright?
Due to disagreement regarding inclusion of language defunding or delaying the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),[SUP][3][/SUP] more commonly known as ObamaCare, the Government did not pass a substantial funding bill. Funding was agreed to by the President and Congress for active military pay and back wages for furloughed employees. In addition, the House offered very small funding measures for a few, high-profile functions, which the Senate and White House rejected as "game-playing"[SUP][20][/SUP] while the Senate offered bills that did not include language to defund or delay the PPACA, but the House rejected them.[SUP][21][/SUP] On October 16, Senate Democrats and Republicans agreed to a deal that extended funding for government services until January 15, making only minor adjustments to the PPACA and other funding. This resolution was quickly adopted by both houses in bipartisan numbers, and was signed early next morning by President Obama.[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP]You mean like "you won't have to give up your doctor" or "you'll save $2500 a year"? The platform he ran on wasn't what he delivered.
Does re-posting it three times somehow make it more persuasive? Or just waste bandwidth? Import-Export loans are funded by banks, but guaranteed by the Federal government. Brazil has a habit of defaulting on loans. They still owes us $600,000,000 from their defaults in the 70's. Not to mention the loan was to enable them to institute fracking technology, something Obama claims he is against. The Import-Export Bank is an arm of the State Dept. I.E. serving SOLELY at the discretion of Obama.More lies - when will you folks begin at least to adhere to the truth?[President Obama] signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company This statement is false: President Obama signed no such executive order. On 14 April 2009, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im), an agency whose mission "is to assist in financing the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets," issued a preliminary approval for a $2 billion loan to Brazil's national oil company, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), to help fund offshore oil exploration and development. The approval of the loan was an action undertaken not by officials who had been appointed by President Obama, but by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, as Ex-Im itself stated: The Bank's bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, before any Obama appointees joined the Bank. In fact, at the time the Bank's Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush. Despite the claim that the money committed to Petrobras is "taxpayer dollars," Ex-Im notes that "the vast majority of our financing consists of guarantees of loans made by commercial lenders," that "the bank is self-sustaining and does not receive any appropriated funds from Congress," and that "the Bank's activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime." Read more at [President Obama] signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company This statement is false: President Obama signed no such executive order. On 14 April 2009, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im), an agency whose mission "is to assist in financing the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets," issued a preliminary approval for a $2 billion loan to Brazil's national oil company, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), to help fund offshore oil exploration and development. The approval of the loan was an action undertaken not by officials who had been appointed by President Obama, but by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, as Ex-Im itself stated: The Bank's bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, before any Obama appointees joined the Bank. In fact, at the time the Bank's Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush. Despite the claim that the money committed to Petrobras is "taxpayer dollars," Ex-Im notes that "the vast majority of our financing consists of guarantees of loans made by commercial lenders," that "the bank is self-sustaining and does not receive any appropriated funds from Congress," and that "the Bank's activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime." Read more at [President Obama] signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company This statement is false: President Obama signed no such executive order. On 14 April 2009, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im), an agency whose mission "is to assist in financing the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets," issued a preliminary approval for a $2 billion loan to Brazil's national oil company, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), to help fund offshore oil exploration and development. The approval of the loan was an action undertaken not by officials who had been appointed by President Obama, but by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, as Ex-Im itself stated: The Bank's bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, before any Obama appointees joined the Bank. In fact, at the time the Bank's Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush. Despite the claim that the money committed to Petrobras is "taxpayer dollars," Ex-Im notes that "the vast majority of our financing consists of guarantees of loans made by commercial lenders," that "the bank is self-sustaining and does not receive any appropriated funds from Congress," and that "the Bank's activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime." Read more at statement is false: President Obama signed no such executive order. On 14 April 2009, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im), an agency whose mission "is to assist in financing the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets," issued a preliminary approval for a $2 billion loan to Brazil's national oil company, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), to help fund offshore oil exploration and development. The approval of the loan was an action undertaken not by officials who had been appointed by President Obama, but by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, as Ex-Im itself stated: The Bank's bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, before any Obama appointees joined the Bank. In fact, at the time the Bank's Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush. Despite the claim that the money committed to Petrobras is "taxpayer dollars," Ex-Im notes that "the vast majority of our financing consists of guarantees of loans made by commercial lenders," that "the bank is self-sustaining and does not receive any appropriated funds from Congress," and that "the Bank's activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime." Read more at
citation required.When did you ask that? If I did, you'd be in prison right now for lying on your food stamp application. So, no, you are not right.
Anyone else getting time-outs from the server? I've never been to snopes, so I can't comment. But I'll check it out. Frankly, I can't say any news provider is totally unbiasedsnopes gets my vote for accuracy in non-partisan reporting. maybe red can agree to
1) So you agree he's still on the payroll. 2) Anyone can quit, not just executives. I see no honor, just disgrace. I doubt it was his choice. 3) Input isn't control. The producer has control, not a employee.1. ed schultz just recently returned to msnbc. 2. at mr. bashirs level you are given choices as an executive and he chose to leave with honor. 3. mr. bashir had writers to which he adds imput and it was his show.
So the doctors haven't been paid yet? That's not going to work for very long. You may still end up getting the bill. I know I got them until my insurance company finally paid, late.I have not received a provider list. I selected to have everything mailed to me, because I figured there would be hundreds of pages. I prefer to have a hard copy. At any rate, these are places like walgreens, which flat out said "we have no contracts with insurance companies aca policies" IOW, "we don't take no stinking Obamacare." One was a doctors office, did not file it. The other was a doctors office, which attempted to file, but was told that my insurance does not cover his services.
I work for the state, funded by the DOE. And you didn't ask what branch I worked for. You accused me of working for the IRS. Not a question at all.why won't you answer my question about which branch of the government you work, red? simply, post your DDA..that's all it would take![]()
I don't don't think it's possible to "enlighten" you. You think you already know everything.well with your IRS skill..enlighten me..
I wouldn't know, but I hear they're hiring. You might want to put in an application. Or much does the IRS pay these days?
Why they oppose it is immaterial. A "no" vote is still a "no" regardless of the mentioned 60% were not for was saying that lack of single payer skewed the polls skewed the polls skewed the polls