Hey guys, I found on a forum, not sure which forum mind, an Ajustawatt Review as it was also namely mentioned, but I can't seem to find the link any Where. Google just pulls up a website with a review of a top 5 or top 10 ballasts... But the link I am looking for was on a website which kind of had a like a book effect to it. You had to turn to the page you wanted and zoom in and it had mostly all the top brands if not all of them, their wattage power wattage settings, ie 400, 600, 1000, and the actual power draw from the wall, and then the actual watts to delivered to the plants. It was really a comprehensive page of results, anyone know what I'm talking about?. It's some kind of professional review website but for the life of me I've lost it..... and a friend was asking for it. Normally I book mark it, add it to favourites or save to home page but for what ever reason I simply emailed the picture of the ballasts to myself and deleted the rest. Most likely I was at work lol and I wanted to hide it. But surprised I cut out the link off the page in-case I did ever want to go back and check....