Adjustable drill bit for cutting larger ventilation holes?


I'm looking for an Adjustable drill bit that will allow me to cut holes the size of PC fans on a wooden drawer. I can't seem to find the name of these bits nor can i find them on homedepot or lowes websites. Anyone wanna throw up a name of the drill bit or a link to a website? The holes i need to cut vary from 6-9 inch.

Much Thanks
Mr. Rager


Well-Known Member
you dont want to buy that piece of kit shown thats for stitch drilling keeping your holes in line. you want to get yourself a set of holesaws or a jigsaw with a jigsaw you can cut anysize hole in timber. hope to have helped dude


I haven't found the right one yet, but that Ebay link did help. I'm not sure if it's a jigsaw, i remember it looked like of like a drill bit with adjustable arm that can adjust for radius/diameter of holes. I'll hit up home depot tomorrow and update thanks for the replys


Well-Known Member
sorry dude never came across an adjustable type hole saw maybe you got some different stuff in the usa im in england


Well-Known Member
i built my own grow room i told you a simple jigsaw that you can pick up for 20 bucks will cut any hole in timber plastic or even thin sheet metal with a blade change. other than that a set of hole saws or coping saw will even do it if you want to saw buy hand. peace


Well-Known Member
are you saying it does a shit job because it sure loks like something that would take your arm off if your not carefull lol


Well-Known Member
I was thinking bout my fingers flying off.Or it flying apart into my chest I just get a bad vibe from that thing in general.