additive for flower dwc

Most flower boosters should be used much earlier and discontinued by this point. In fact you should be reducing your EC.
i didnt think your reduce in dwc until the last week

when should i use a PK booster weeks 1/2 of flip ??

i thought i could use a sweetener in weeks 6 and 7 then flush 8 to 9
i didnt think your reduce in dwc until the last week

when should i use a PK booster weeks 1/2 of flip ??

i thought i could use a sweetener in weeks 6 and 7 then flush 8 to 9
Sweetener depends on type. The bloom boosters should be used from week 2 to no more than 6. I’m not aware of any to be used late but I’m no nutrient expert.
im sure you know more then me

would you say a bloom booster is more useful though a grow or a bud sweetener to increase frost
Look at GH Ripen. I noticed the very next day that the plants smelled stronger.

In hydroponics: Replace old nutrient solution with pH adjusted water add up to 5ml/L of Ripen to match or slightly exceed your previous EC (up to 2.6) and mix well. Run for 10 days, or as needed, then use FloraKleen to finish or harvest your crop directly.

does that mean i dont use base nutrients and only ripener
5mL per gallon added about 150 PPM to my mix.
do you use GH base nutrients also . i am guessing you do a dwc type grow
GH base nutrients are a 3 parts ?? do you use all 3 the entire grow instead of a bloom and a veg nutrient
do you just add more bloom over grow and vise versa but keep micro the same though the grow
You should not have to add any bloom boosters with a complete plant food. Sulphur is the main mineral for flavonoid synthesis.

Epsom salt may work. It's pH neutral of 5.5 and dissolves to Magnesium and sulphur in solution. Don't mix organics and living cultures with hydroponics. The nutrients is already readily available in solution, that's the whole point of growing with hydroponics. You play with nature and remove a lot of variables.

Much more important to keep the rootzone clean and work to fully understand and optimize surface tension. I also suggest running a Silica product like Protekt from Dyna Gro or some other potassium silicate product, that's the best bloom boosters you will find except PGR's.
Canna boost, foliar spray and liquid lead is what I've been using with decent success .
i was looking at the canna classic and aqua range plus the Pk booster . apparently they can be used in a re-circulating hydroponic systems but i am not 100% on that

i was thinking of going to GH flora or canna range next grow. what would yous consider better to use

i have used canna for coca before and i found the bloom had too much nitrogen probably as it was not meant for dwc

im currently using some off brand bloom nutrients and it is not doing a good job.