Additional Nutrient Question for Mel's Mix Soil - Indoor Under CFL Lighting


Active Member
Hello All,

I have a quick question. I am using a soil mix called Mel's Mix (components listed below), and am curious what, if any additional nutrients should be add to the soil for the flowering stage?

This is my first grow and can't for the life of me find any reference material regarding additional nutes for a soil grow with these particular components.

- 1/3 Peet Moss
- 1/3 Vermiculate
- 1/3 Compsost (Cotton Burr - Cow Manure - Worm Castings - Mushroom Compost)

Any and all advise would be appreciated, thank you very much.


Active Member
Hello all, I have been looking into nutes and think I might try Mag-Pro and Foliage Pro during flowering.



What do you think? It seems like that should make for a fairly rounded fert.

The only question I have now is how much would you use per gallon of each to start?

1/4 strength Mag-Pro dose, and 1/4 strength Foliage Pro in combination to begin with?



Well-Known Member
You don't fertilize with Mels mix. Instead you practice crop rotation and replace the soil as needed. I recommend reading his book called Square Foot Gardening if you haven't already. It's a great method.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed you wrote that you have an indoor grow. Just to clarify, Mel's mix is designed to be used in a raised bed outdoors and each plant is usually given a lot of soil to grow in which is why you don't need to fertilize. His system relies on the fact that the compost will break down slowly over time, giving the plants everything they need. When you follow the system like he intended it works really well. I have corn, lettuce, carrots, peas, cannabis, and various herbs all growing side by side.

If your growing in a small containers , then yes the plants could use up all the nutrients after a couple of months. It all depends on your container size and how long your vegging your plants. However, I would treat the soil like any other organic blend (Fox Farm, Roots Organic, etc). The brand of fertilizer or "nutrients" you use doesn't really matter so long as it's balanced and your giving the plant what it needs when it needs it. If your just feeding for the sake of feeding, then your going to burn your plants. So just read them and feed only when they show signs.


Active Member
Thank you all the wonderful information Vindicated!

I am growing in 3 gallon smart pots, indoors. I plan on only vegging for a month or so, until they reach 12" basically. Then switching to flowering. I am trying to follow the Buds for Less Strategy, just minus the Miracle Grow Soil and using Mel's Mix instead.

Any other advice past that?

Thank you once again for all the insight.


New Member
Used Mels Mix my last outdoor grow,loved it!! My ph etc stayed spot on through the whole grow cycle. I added only Alaska fish and Alaska Bloom and some great vermacompost from my cousins worms. Will use again when we can grow again outside... So excited this year adding molasasis. All organic and I use 65 gal smart pots timed water source. Happy Happy Happy!!