adding support?

Do any of you know how I would add support to the floor of my grow room. I have 4 pieces of 3/4'' plywood cut to 2'x3'. I was thinking about strapping a 2' piece of 2x4 to the bottom of each of the sheets but I was wondering if that would help it or if it would stress it even more haha.

Is there a better way to do this?


Well-Known Member
So we are talking a total grow room area of 4'x6' I take it? How exactly did you frame it to begin'd need something to bond those plywood sheets together...

I've done lots of framing over the years for various projects, in an area this small using 2x4's would be perfectly fine especially with how thick that plywood is that you are using. You'd basically just be making a frame that would consist of the following dimensions:

2x 4'
2x 5'9"
1x 3'9"
2x 2'9.75"

All those Pieces fit together so that the seams of the plywood land directly in the center of a 2x4. Screw it all down and yer good to go And here is a diagram for you to go by:


Just be sure to use finished 2x4's which are actually 1.5x3.5 :)