adding flavour to your weed

I posted a thread about this not too long back. I read a bit about the banana manna and it sounds like a good idea but only for bringing out the natural flavor and maxxing out bud resins. That said, I think that I'm gonna try the blackstrap molasses this time around. Cheers!
I don't agree with flavoring buds, but one time a friend had a J in a menthol pack of cigs. + it tasted like menthol. Guaranteed it rubbed off the pack/cigs and it was terrible.(hate menthol)

Flavors in your buds should be produced by the plant genetically. There are plants with it all, just takes some serious searching. So far all the most potent+flavorful plants I've found didn't yield as much.
i agree with^^

i think weeds natural flavors are better then any crap you could add to make it taste differently
Go to amazon check out hi-brix molasses its way cheaper than buying a little amount of black strap + it's formulated for plants has extra microbs + it's 0-0-3 which puts major crystals on your plants
Ive thought about drying with fruit in the racks for fruity tasting weed like blueberry or cherry pie but never did it. Id never use cinnamon or menthol or any of that crap. I could see fruit, but spices and liquor? Thats strange.