Addiction: Alcohol vs. Marijuana

Wow, I really sorta dumped on you guys. :(

But I said I would let you know about the cause o' death just to dissuade you kids - even the asshole that I totally hate.

So my buddy died from what I thought he probably had. At some point in the wee hours a blood vessel opened up in his esophagus. Fainting, he fell down the stairs and lay there for an undetermined amount of time bleeding and writhing - a floor away from his cell phone. Would not have mattered. Even if it had happened at Johns Hopkins he would have died.

Now, he had recently seen a doctor (!) and taken some routine blood tests. They saw some GI anomalies that they planned on testing further. I am certain that they would have found them (alcholism induced esophagial verrices) and called an immediate end to the party. At that point they could have reinforced the esophagial wall with vaginal mess and saved his life. And, of course, the long, interminable recovery from alcoholism would have begun.

I know some of you fuckers are in a position to learn from his experience. I hope you all have people in your life that love you. Don't ignore them.
I was about to make an alcohol thread. Ive been clean from opiates 2 years but started drinking again. It doesnt coinside with my methadone, 2 people died recently in their sleep from the combo.

Just want my mind right, I dont act the same not being high (opiates, or liquor) but cant live that lifestyle anymore.

Its hard to get clean when your "friends" are not helping me stay clean. Never pressure anyone getting clean to do wrong, its doing them injustice*SP at the least.

Honestly, I told my best bud from back in the day about my grow when I was drunk. I now cant smoke weed without worrying about it, thats why I got into drinking again.

Never get too drunk and reveal like I did.
i dont know but im addicted to crack

Me too. But we are not the only ones

Alcohol makes me want to blow my brains out. Weed stops me from blowing my brains out and not because of addiction. I even quit cannabis and took the Zoloft and xanax the doc prescribed. Still made me wanna blow my brains out.
Alcohol makes me want to blow my brains out. Weed stops me from blowing my brains out and not because of addiction. I even quit cannabis and took the Zoloft and xanax the doc prescribed. Still made me wanna blow my brains out.
I was sitting in a rice paddy in Vietnam in 1969 holding a .45 in my hand trying to muster up enough courage to blow my brains out when I smelled some soldiers smoking pot. I went over to have a few puffs thinking it would help get the job done. But that's the day I met Mary Jane.......the rest is history...MJ saved my life